
Are Pringle cans recyclable?

by Guest58597  |  earlier

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Are Pringle cans recyclable?




  1. Some further observations on the data:

    • Much of the can & bottle weight was beverage residue. Almost 10% of the weight of trash

    was unconsumed beverages sealed back into the bottles. “Harvard could save over $50,000

    per year if everyone simply drained their cans & bottles before discarding,” says Gogan..

    • Students like to eat in their rooms! Much of the trash from student residences was spoiled

    food and snack packaging.

    • Disposable coffee cups abound both in residential and in academic and administrative

    buildings. If more people toted reusable containers, volume of trash would shrink


    Year Trash Recyclables Total bag

    weight (lbs.)



    % of total Weight


    % of total

    1998 5.12

  2. You bet they are.  It's got a good cap and seal.  You can put round cookies in it and cut/glue a xmas paper the same size around the can, put a nice bow on  top and put it in a long woolen sock under the tree.  Whoever gets it can wear the socks to keep the toes warm and share the cookies.  Use your imagination, that's what recycling is all about.

  3. i don't know about the can but I cut out the bottom tin plate and the top plastic lid check your local recycling plant

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