
Are Prisons on the Stock market?

by  |  earlier

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I was recently told that our Prison institutions had stock value.

I guess it should be obvious being that they provide a service.

However, do they have 'stock value' for lack of a better way of posing this question?




  1. Corrections Corporation of America, Nashville TN

  2. There are companies that contract to OPERATE prisons, but "prisons" per se are not on the stock market.

  3. you can find it

  4. geo

    yes, they have a value like real estate.  just think of them as hotels resorts paid for by the government.  

    business is looking good and with the economy in a downturn occupancy should be going up.

  5. I know CXW runs prisons, but as far as investing in a particular prison, i'm not sure.

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