
Are Pro-lifers arguments compromised by saccharine sentimentality?

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There always seems to be a fair amount of ids a widdle babbie in their monologues.




  1. Not murdering children is a matter of sentimentality????

  2. Yes. It stems from a complete failure (a failure supported by Christian doctrine) to realize that the human is simply another animal. The fact that children look cute to ensure a sympathetic reaction from adults which in turn ensures the survival of their genes is completely lost on them.

  3. For me what undermines them is a reversion to a notion that some kind of 'divine spark' characterises life, not human consciousness.

    According to many of them, the actuality of a life, as lived by human beings with all its ups and downs, comes second to the *theory* of life - something abstract that must be protected at all costs, never mind the consequences to the mother or the child.  Quality of life is meaningless, abstract notions of life are overriding.

  4. Not me.  I refer to the brutality of killing human beings who lack the ability to speak.  However, I am not technically pro-life.  For example, I support killing our enemies in war and I support the death penalty.  However, the people getting killed via abortion are innocent and not deserving of death.  I feel no more "sentimental" about it than if your mother thought she had the right to choose to kill you today whether you liked it or not - I would defend your life.

  5. Are pro-choicers arguments compromised by the murder that it involves?

  6. No.

    The fetus has human DNA and a different genetic makeup from the mother. Therefore from a scientific viewpoint the fetus is a separate human life from the mother.

    Killing an innocent human life who poses no threat to you is murder.

  7. You are on the right track, I think, but I believe some are really horrified by abortion.  It is such a difficult can of worms to hold, but no matter how much I am against it, I would not stop it.  Back street abortions are horrific.  Maybe they should read about them and then they would reconsider their opinions.  Some are more interested in saving cells than they are in helping women to stop having an unwanted pregnancy in the first place.  Education.

  8. Do you mean compassion?

  9. yes it is all about guilt.

    They want people who get abortions to feel like baby murderers

  10. If I could figure out what your talking about it might be easier

    Life. Is not compromised by anything early death

  11. we feel, yes, if thats what you mean

  12. No because "its a little baby" is factual not saccharine sentimentality.  Abortion kills babies, so really what is your point?

  13. Some of them.  But a lot of them are about as far away as you can get from saccharine, bordering on hateful diatribes in which the fetus' rights supersede the mother's.  But abortion can never be anything other than an emotional debate, because the main issue cannot be decided by science but by judgment of when you think life begins.  And I don't call them pro-life anymore.  I call them anti-choice, because their pronouncements will kill just as many people as the abortionists.  The deaths will just be adult women instead of embryos.

  14. Maybe that's why I'm pro-choice.  I hate kids!


    Seriously, I think its morally wrong. Its not a CHOICE I would make, but it shouldn't be illegal for those who do wish to make that choice.


    No, its not even in the same ballpark as actual murder.

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