
Are Psychics phonies who need to get real jobs?

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I think so! They are just lazy people who think they have super-powers!




  1. I have no "super" power. I have the same ability that we all have. Some of us pay more attention to it. I have a "real" job. Think whatever you want.

  2. Oh there are some very good Psychics out there and they don't come cheap. But I do know what you are saying there are lots of rip off artists out there.I went to one once and because I had on what looked like a wedding ring on she told me about my wonderful husband and the children we'd have.And how much my in laws loved me. That was not worth the $5.00 ! Nothing could have been more wrong !

  3. I think that the people you find on the boardwalk and at carnivals with elaborate costumes on are completely fake.  Just taking gullible people for whatever they can.  However, I do believe that certain people do possess those abilities.  I just hope that they are helpin people instead of using it for their own selfish purposes. And I really think that a real psychic would not be wasting their time on Yahoo Answers telling fortunes to eighth graders based on too little info and a bunch of BS.

  4. "Phonies who need to get real jobs" applies to a lot of people who don't claim to be psychic, too.

  5. My belief is they are as a whole Hustlers and I'm speaking about the ones that are on TV shows and such.In my opinion people who have a genuine gift are humble and quietly go about there life's wanting to help only those that are in serious need of help and not looking for money or public recognition and admit when there unable to help .........

  6. Looks like the intolerant jerk gene pool is still going strong!

    I'm a real psychic with a real job.  I'm not lazy.  I've never made money off of my abilities and I never plan on it.  My abilities are a gift, and I use them to help others for free.

    I'm just like you.  Only I'm not a jerk.

  7. Some are but there are those who are lagite.  My grandmother is one but she has never made a profit from her abilities.  True witches will not use there abilities to earn money or for any other personal gain.

    Now that is said, you need to unerstand that just because you don't unerstand something or have never esperienced it does not mean it is not real.  If that were the case then in my world the ocean and all the animals that live there would not exist and a majority of the world would be a lie and not real because I have never been there.

  8. Wow, well tell us all how you really feel...don't hold back or anything.


    I agree with what Lightning Elemental said and in addition:

    True psychics help people....they don't have super powers, they just tap into a part of their brain that lays dormant in a lot of people. Some of them are open to communication from Divine beings.

    I think that this is much needed in our world and very much, a real job. There is nothing lazy about it.

  9. Like any group, you are going to find your charlatans as well as those who are the real deal.  To stereotype any group, based on the negative attributes of a few (albeit sometimes the most vocal) seems unfair to those who are legitimate.

  10. Psychics are very talented phonies who already have real jobs that pay very, very well.

  11. What? No! They are not people have feelings and that hurts me because people say stuff like that to people who are not. Just cause your not physicic like the fortunite people that are doesnt mean they are phonies who need to get a real job.

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