
Are Rachel Ray's Products Worth Spending All That Money --?

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is it now? How is the Quality? Especially the knives.





  1. No, her stuff is no better quality than the other notable brands out there. All that is being sold and overpriced is the name. I saw in the store the other day that she was selling her "garbage bowl" for $25. That is ridiculous, use any bowl or bag for trash.

  2. They are good quality, but I think you're paying for the name. Who needs their pots and pans to have pretty colored handles?

  3. Check to see if the product you are buying has links to a worthy cause. I know some of the profits on her brands are going towards different things that help people and animals. She actually has a brand of dog food out now that goes toward helping animals. Check the company before buying.

  4. Honestly,

    If you want a set of knives, buy a set of Henkles. they are one of the best if not the best in the world.

    Rachel, Emeril, all of those people get paid to put their name on other companies stuff (and in some cases c**p).  

    If you want a excellent set of knives, go to a restaurant supply store and check them out.  Make sure you choose the ones that best fit you.  Some are heavier then others some are too lite.  Choose the ones that best fit you and what you are going to do with them.  

    A lot of people buy things just to say they have them.  but in the Kitchen to say you have something and not be able to use it properly or at all, it means nothing at all...

    Sorry, back to the knives, go to a store pick and choose which knives you know you need and will always use.  Don't buy a set just because some as* clown has put their name on it.  Buy a set of knives that you know you

    1) know what your supposed to use it for.  


    2) know you will use them.  

    Most people don't have a clue what to do with half of the knives in most sets sold.  They end up in the draw and you use them for s***w drivers or to cut something other then what they are intended.

    Seriously go to a store and feel them out.. Shop around.  Its cheaper to buy the expensive ones you know you will use then a complete set that some as* clown put their name on to make endorsement money.  

    Take a look at this site, look at all of the different types.  You will be amazed at how many there are.

  5. To b honest I don't think it is worth all that money. They are not even that good of stuff. Alot of people just buy it because the brand name is Racheal Ray. Emeril's products are nice though.

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