
Are Red Bull and other stimulation drinks allowed in South Korea? (Seoul)?

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Going there tomorrow for 2 weeks and I want to take some red bulls to help me get up in te morning but ive heard it isnt sold there, could that be because its not allowed? I remember going to UAE and stimulationd drinks were not allowed.




  1. It's not illegal here, it's just not marketed here.  It is available though if you know where to look.  Take the subway to Itaewon Station (that's on the #6 line) and exit through exit # 4.  When you get to street level, look for a "Quizno's" sub shop.  You'll see that there's a street that splits off from the main street here in a "T" intersection.  Walk along this street for about half a kilometer.  Look carefully on the left side of the street and keep your eyes peeled for a big yellow "currency exchange" sign.  There are several shops that advertise "currency exchange" but below this one in particular, there's a glass door in red trim.  This is known as "The Red Door" shop.  It has many foreign/western goods and you can normally find Red Bull there.  

    Of course, there's another product here that's a very popular energy drink called "Bacchus D."  It's very nice and doesn't have that awful mediciney taste of Red Bull.  I prefer "Bacchus D" myself.  You can buy it in any convenience store.  Just go to the cashier and slowly say "Bacchus D Oh-Dee-Ya-Yo."  This means "where is the Bacchus D."

  2. i think it IS allowed-maybe its just not allowed for driving or something. it's probably not allowed in the plane, though. btw, it IS probably sold in seoul.

  3. I don't know if they sell Red Bull or not, but they do sell a drink that's close to it. The drink comes in a small gold colored can that has a bull on it. This drink is made in Thailand.

    BTW, not a good idea to take caned drinks on a plane.

  4. i don't know if u know, but the drink u know as red bull was first developed in asia (japan) and to what i know, red bull gives royalty to japan aswell as korea and all asia. where in all asian countries they have their own versions of it (like so it is in the u.s., as is known as red bull), but here in korea it's known as "ba ka su" 바카스.

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