
Are Republicans capable of talking about actual issues instead of attacking Democrats in every speech?

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they make?

Are McCain and Palin ever going to talk about how they are going to help the American people instead of attacking Obama 24/7.




  1. No, they can't.  All these GOP fanboys will say "yes, they can" but now we've seen speeches by McBush and Failin and they had little to say about THEIR ideas.  All they did was bash Obama...typical GOP politics.  And it usually works...but not this time.  Thanks to Bush and the Palin pick, Obama has this wrapped up!

  2. and he did u *** tard  

  3. I think they can, but since they don't have solutions to any of our problems, they take the focus off of themselves and attack the Democrats or someone who doesn't agree with their ideology instead.

  4. Republicans don't believe in helping anyone but themselves and those that agree with them. They depend on wedge issues to get votes and avoid the real issues. They are good at winning elections and suck at governing.

  5. Yes, the Republicans, like the Democrats have been working to destroy our nation.  They have ignored the Constitution, robbed us of our wealth, destroyed out currency, involved us in wars for the benefit of special interests.  They have worked to destroy the Bill of Rights.  They are betraying our national sovereignty by the creation of the North American Union (which they deny the existence of).

    I would say that they have done quite a lot of damage.

  6. No. That is all they have been doing from the primaries down to this very night.

  7. we could if you democrats where not always being so lets say communist.   *coughliberal*

  8. Yes they can LOL

  9. How hypocritical of you to ask that. You have the nerve to act like the DNC wasn't a bush bashing?

  10. WTF are you talking about?  "John McCain is Bush Jr!" is an issue?  The issues are Socialism vs Free-Market.  Marx vs Adam Smith, National Failure vs National Strength.

    Obama can read a script with the best of them, he should be an actor.  When put on the spot he's a bumbling fool, and even if he wasn't, he's a damned socialist.  Socialist, good with a script, fawning fans:  the man deserves a job, but it's in Hollywood, not in DC!!!!

    Iraqi sax, if you attack both parties, what is the solution in your opinion?  I'm libertarian in beliefs, but I usually vote for the lesser of two evils (Dems are much more evil to freedom than Reps, in general), but what is your solution?

  11. Actually if you've listened and viewed "every speech" you would know that this statement is completely false... but you'll never truly listen so you'll continue to stay ignorant... have fun with that.

  12. Obama is the guy to beat. It is only natural that the Republicans attack the Democrats in their speeches. Democrats are also guilty of doing this.

  13. Of course not! They have nothing solid and credible to add to the solution.

    Meanwhile, Palin is crying "Unfair! Unfair" that the media is treating her.

    I assume she wants to be treated the same way guys are treated, which means their records are under scrutiny. Obama has been through this for 19 months. She's been through this for, what, four days so far!!!

  14. No.  When it comes to the issues that affect Americans most, the conservative Republican motto generally is, "Let the free market sort it out," unless it involves certain wedge issues like g*y-marriage and abortion, for which we all must refer to the Bible.  ("What would Jebus do?")

  15. dang Nick took my answer, but just wait, you will hear tons more from BOTH sides before it is finished. Frankly, Obama needs to keep his childish play a little more keyed down as well. But I forget, he and his party want a socialist society not a capitalist one.  Now ask yourself why big businesses back the democrats, then ask yourself are they really out to help the little guy.

  16. Obama whined in half of his speech about the Republicans.  It's called an election, a competition.  That's what you do.

  17. Can democrats?

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