
Are Republicans flipflopping? ?

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They are now disowning Bush and I notice that despite towing the party line 90% of the line McCain is trying not to be seen with Cheney or Bush!




  1. Nope.

    They just RE-WRITE HISTORY so their CURRENT POSITIONS are the positions they've held ALL ALONG.

  2. Both parties are flip-flopping like a short-order cook preparing pancakes.

  3. Now don't you all wish that you had supported Ron Paul?


  4. Republicans NEVER Flip Flop and they NEVER Live In Everyday Sin. Republicans stand up for what they believe in and they make sure they make the right choices and serve the American People.

    The Political Party that Flip Flops is the Democratic Party, the Party of Lazy Incompetent And Reckless Sinners (or LIARS). They make lots of campaign promises of what they are going to do to help you but once they are elected, they Live In Everyday Sin and Break Their Promises. I do not understand why anybody would vote Democrat when Democrats would rather Lives In Everyday Sin than speak the TRUTH to you.  

  5. I think you are seeing things. but then again your question undermines it all :)  

  6. Get over it, BOTH the Democrats and  the Republicans pander to their audiences.

    They will say or do ANYTHING to get elected.  Moral bankruptcy!

    Vote for the NOT a Democrat and NOT a Republican this Nov.!

  7. Actually McCain votes with his party less than that. But McCain has dropped his true views for this campaign to attract conservative voters.

  8. No i don"t wish that I have supported a racist like Ron Paul who wrote racist newsletters.

  9. Good Lord yes McCain is a flipping and flopping machine he takes it to a whole new flipping level.

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