
Are Republicans just excited to have their own minority?

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The Palin thing is such a hilarious gimmick. I just love how a week ago, we weren't allowed to call anyone who criticized Barack "racist," but now that Repubs have their own minority they're gleefully running around chanting "sexism, sexism!" whenever anyone criticizes Palin. It's like a bunch of third-graders.

Republicans also were really good at accusing us of voting for Obama JUST because he's black, but now expect Hillary supporters to go flocking to McCain JUST because he's running with a woman? A woman with no national experience whatsoever? Come on guys, I thought you hid your hypocrisy a little better than that.




  1. They love her.  She and that one Republican black guy get tons of photos in the GOP informational brochure.

  2. I think Palin is going to turn around knock the heck out of McCain when she realized she is just being used.

    she has not been a Governor for 2 years yet and being a mayor over a town of 5000 people, really but I am not even mad at that wait until she sees how he uses lobbiest, something she is against, or foreign oil, or how is the big boys club that she has fought again in Alaska. Yep, I would just hit him hard right in the middle of the debate.

  3. Last time I checked women weren't a minority.

  4. Nope, that's a liberal fascination, the "pet minority".

    How else would you explain Obama's meteoric rise to fame over Hillary Clinton when BOTH their platforms were virtually identical.

    It's the liberal mind which seeks to right past wrongs and alleviate their "white guilt" by throwing emotion behind the historical significance of electing a black man president.

  5. I think you are making a sweeping generalization that misrepresents the vast majority of Republicans. Don't be, as you say, a third-grader.

    FYI: Governor is executive experience, which is crucial to good leadership. And Biden and Obama both lack that. And she probably has at least as much experience as Senator Obama does.

  6. no,but we are use to paying for them.

  7. Well i heard from Hillary that Women Aren't minorties so..

  8. NO women are not a minority.. they compose over half of the US popoulation..

    Its been a great day.. Leftists have been exposed for the sexist hypocrits they really are..

    If they attack her on experience, she has more then Obama.

    If they attack her on ANWAR, She can tell them like it is up there.

    If they go after her being a woman, she solidifies the Hillery camp and women.

    If they attack her on the war, her son is serving.

    If attacked on motherhood, OH that will p**s off even more women who work for a living.

  9. I can only imagine what you would have come up with if McCain had chosen a black runningmate.

  10. now you know how we felt the last year and a half

    were not like that, and you should have known better

    tist tist  

  11. HA HA HA Great question. They always resort to her gender talking about her too. I even saw a question if Democrats were nervous because "50% of voters are women but only 12% of voters are black" as if we all looked at candidates on the most superficial level possible. Also there are plenty of comments about how "hot" she is (she's not all that), which is indicative of what they view as important in their candidates.

    PS Women ARE a minority. They are not a NUMERICAL minority but they are a minority. There's a difference. Take a sociology class sometime. Or just look at apartheid South Africa where blacks were a minority but a numerical majority.

    OBAMA/BIDEN '08!

  12. Palin isn't a politician, she's proven she works for change, she beat out politicians in Alaska for her position.  If you want to believe that McCain picked her as a gimmick then you aren't paying attention.  She's just as much a maverick as McCain and please watch her speeches and research her a bit before you jump to conclusions.

  13. Maybe you should change your circle, if in about the past nine hours you've heard people running around screaming "sexism, sexist!"

  14. I think most Republicans are in shock.  I'd bet most of them never dreamed they'd see a ticket with a women on it.  I also bet many vote against McCain for having a woman on the ticket.  After all, if the Republicans put a woman on the ticket, what's next, putting a black man on the ticket???  they won't stand for that.

  15. i live in a small city in California and its still more populous   then ALaska, what does that tell u about this woman and her experience

  16. She has executive experience.  Obama doesn't.  Why don't you go put on your Bros Before Ho's Obama t shirt.

  17. Don't call it it ironic justice. :)

  18. Nice how Democrats are all for accomplished women.

    As long as the women agree with them.

    If not, they fall all over themselves to tear them down!

    BTW, Palin's husband is half Native American - Eskimo.  The Dems don't have the corner on minorities.

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