
Are Republicans out of their mind for continuing a Convention during a catastrophic event? ?

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I think they are just all out stubborn.




  1. You did not turn on the tv or read the news today...  They will be having a shortened and changed RNC, including a telethon to raise money.  And BY LAW  they have to  have the nominating process.  IT IS  A  LAW regarding the election.  IT MUST OCCUR within so many days of the actual election.

  2. You are out of your mind! They have cut the convention short.  I think they should have it as scheduled with the absence maybe of the president. . Not having their convention does not effect whether or not a hurricane hits. It does nothing to make the people in New Orleans evacuate. They can't make that ridiculous Nagin use school buses to evacuate people. they cannot make the traffic congestion stop. The Dems just want to exploit the hurrican for their good since they have no true solutions.


  4. I don't think they really have much choice in the matter. There are some things they do at conventions that must be done by law. And it's not like they can just postpone it to next week because the vendors and convention center are likely contracted out elsewhere.

  5. oh great . another half thought out statment from a rabid obama lover

  6. Have you stopped doing what you have to do? They cancelled main events. The palce is all rented, set up...but the show wont go on.

  7. They have cut out the majority of the speeches that were scheduled to take place.

    Democrats would have continued without any cutting back.  Look at your fearless messiah; he is sending 'donors' down to the region to assist.  "donors" as if they are dead.... hmm

  8. youd whine pro or con, does it really make any difference to a liberal?  cmon.  your question has no answer as your premise makes no sense.

  9. what are you talking about?  John McCain stated today that if things get worse he wants the convention reduced to the bare legal minimum.

    Which is it? Did you miss the news tonight or do you just like to ignore facts?

  10. oh hush you obama supporters have had your convention let us have ours. mccain will hopefully make the right decision.

  11. No. They have to do the formal business of nominating their candidates. Also, the Governor, the Mayors, The National Guard and FEMA are the people that handle this kind of thing.

  12. Hey, leave her alone.

    I'm watching the news and I just saw Morg on TV.  She's directing traffic, filling sand bags, strengthening the levees, and handing out potable water.  She stopped everything she's doing for the hurricane.  Why can't we all be like her?

  13. They are changing their focus as a call to action. All of their fundraiser's will be on hand to raise money for the local charities. Legally they have to still have it as it would be an unfair advantage to wait a few weeks later, and then get the bounce before the election.  

  14. Yes. Certainly

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