
Are Republicans right: Democrats historically fail to unify their party ?

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seems this time around it's the Hillary supporters that are dwelling on losing the primary...

So is the Democrats' failure to unify going to serve up another election to Republicans ?

Are we in for another 4 years of Bush style politics, poor economy, and more wars ?

I don't see Giuliani supporters out there chanting against McCain do you ?

I personally like Hillary, but I do not like the divisive politics she brings to the table.

I wanted her to be vp too....but not so badly that I would be willing to consider voting McCain...that's just crazy.




  1. Obama picked a VP that got 5,000 votes.  Hillary got around 18,000,000 votes.  I'd blame Obama.

    Fact: 1 in 5 Clinton supporters say they are voting for McCain

    Fact:  33% of Clinton supporters say they are undecided.

    Doesn't look good.

  2. As Will Rogers said, "I don't belong to any organized political party.  I'm a Democrat.".

    It's the way we've been for a long long time.

  3. That is because the Democrats are so blindly thirsty for power that they'll butcher each other to get it regardless of the long term implications. They treat their politics like anything else, sacrifice anything for myself...and it always comes out in the end.

    As for more Bush-style politics, I can sympathize with your obsessive seething "he stolded the elections" hatred of Bush, but McCain was hardly a Bush lacky, lol. You can believe that 95% rhetoric that Obama keeps puting out there, but that was 2007, not their whole time together. Nice try though. Keep blindly believing the One.

  4. The Democratic party is a coalition of radical outcasts. Upon close analysis there is much conflict between its many factions. Karl Rove made a living by crushing ths coalition by doing nothing more than crystallizing his own party's constitutency into one cohesive unit.

    Democrats = blue collar workers, Unions, enviromentalists, trial lawyers, elitist snobs, feminists....

    If anyone puts a magnifying glass on any one of these individual groups, its easy to get these guys fighting....i.e. blue collar workers don't like the high price of gas caused by enviromental extremists....Unions don't like the high unemployment caused by trial lawyers who regulate businesses into closing. etc.,.etc,

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