
Are Republicans so vile that they would show a graphic 911 video for votes at the RNC?

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How low can you go and did you think about the audience and the families of the victims ?




  1. They showed a 9/11 video at the RNC? That's disrespectful. They'll use anything to win, even at the expense of victims families who, under this administration, weren't properly taken care of.

  2. Yes, and they are vile enough to vote an adulterer and an adulteress into the White House, too.

  3. Of course they would.

    Any dirty trick in the book - that's how they fight.

  4. Do you have a link from a reliable source? I have not heard this.

  5. Some of us think about them everyday. We should never forget...

  6. I agree with the news person that said this should be shown everyday on television, the last thing we need to do is forget what was done to this country...if we ever decide this was too terrible to watch over and over then we will again let our defenses down and be attacked again.

  7. That's all they've got!

    And they've spent us into drastic debt doing it, so they have to make sure we believe they are doing the right thing.  

    They aren't thinking of our grandchildren.

  8. / Well, now you see the difference between Democrats and Republicans.

    Republicans will never forget!

  9. Obviously, since they did exactly that.  I thought about the families of the victims not only in the audience, but those who may have been watching at home.

  10. No it would be a reminder of the current era that we live in but hey vote for the guy that did blow in college if you want to.    

  11. Because the libs forgot about 9/11.  Or they're idiot conspiracy theorists.

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