
Are Republicans switching over to Senator Obama in November?

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Are Republicans switching over to Senator Obama in November?




  1. No.

  2. Republicans don't 'flip flop'

    That's for the liberals

  3. nope

  4. Some are, the majority aren't.

  5. Yeah right.... Wake up.

  6. Hopefully, Yes.  

  7. I am..............switch hitting with him as long as the army and my wife don't find out.

  8. wish!!!

  9. This question should be in "Jokes and Riddles" .... sorry wrong category ...

  10. Nope, Palin is rallying the Republican base.

  11. Not this republican!

  12. silly ques.

  13. Now I think  more would support Obama with the news breaking out that McCain's VP does not know that true Christan's do not make babies before wedlock . Where are all the Right wing Christens  now . Do yo want a VP who is not able to teach basic Christan teaching to her children.Do not preach about morality when your family is a mess.

    What a day.

  14. NO WAY JOSE! I have actually seen more Obama fans switching to McCain because of Palin.  he made a GREAT choice!

  15. No, I'm a hetero.

  16. N O ! !

    You really should stop doing drugs !!

    Obama is going to give our sovereignty over to the United Nations through his Global Poverty Act (S.2433).

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama.


  17. Nope

    From what I have heard.  More 'on the fence' Dems are going McCain's way now.  Sounds like the 'united Dem's' was just a buzz word on the convention.  Typical.

  18. there are some republicans that will, just as there are some democrats that will go to McCain. The real question is who will draw the most unaffiliated voters and how many votes will be drawn off by 3rd parties.

  19. Not me or anyone in their right mind....

  20. I won't vote for a racist and far left nut job.

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