
Are Republicans tricking America again by POSTPONING their Convention?

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And will try to hold it closer to November?

Since when did they care about regular people's problems?




  1. No, they just don't want to look bad by having a party when Hurricane Gustav is about to slam New Orleans.  

  2. Republicans care about every day people's problems every day they derve their country.

    It is people who perpetuate a broken and dysfunctional welfare system who hurt every day people.  It is people who coddle and comfort lifetime criminals who hurt every day people.  It is people who support a candidate with zero experience who hurt people every day.

  3. Are you saying Gustav is an inside job?  

  4. it is postpone due to weather conditions. you thought too deep into the reason they postponed it.....  

  5. No, This is a deadly hurricane many lives can be lost and cities can be destroyed therefore its not appropriate to hold a convention when fellow Americans are suffering

    It has nothing to do with elections republicans are just showing their moral human decency

    its a good thing i liked it

  6. Former DNC Chairman Don Fowler Thrilled Gustav is Arriving in Time for the RNC [Updated: New video includes Michael Moore cheering Gustav too!]

  7. what do you want them to do ignore the people who are going to lose homes in new orleans?

  8. Those rascally Republicans, conjuring up a hurricane just to mess with your mind.

  9. Republicans are known to give much more to charity than democrats, even when taking into consideration income differences.

    You just assume they don't care about regular people because they want the needs of the poor met mostly by private charity rather than through government programs.

  10. We don't need a convention, John McCain has already won, didn't any one tell you. We just needed an excuse for why Obama lost, and now we have Sarah. Isn't America a wonderful place. Better luck next time.  

  11. OMG people, watch the news. The RNC is not being held in New Orleans, it is being held in Minneapolis-Saint Paul. They are not postponing it, they are severely cutting back the activities due to the hurricane hitting the gulf. They do not want to be seen partying and having a good time while people are possibly going through a very tough time.  

  12. absolutely...........they will do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING to get momentum on Obama........

  13. He cared last time you moron. Just because the people elected an incompetent Mayor because of his skin color and the people refused to leave, how is that Bush's fault? Does he have to go there and babysit these idiots ?

  14. No way do they want to postpone it now that Bush is not appearing. It's the perfect get out of jail free card! What could be better for the GOP but a convention that was BUSH-FREE! If they postponed it they'd have to find another excuse to keep him away.

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