
Are Republicans whining?

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I remember when Republicans claimed Hillary and/or Obama were whining about one thing or another. Even Ms.Palin said Hillary was whining... are the Republicans now whining over the treatment of Sarah Palin? It's politics. Why don't people realize that since she's a relatively unknown political figure, she's going to attract a whirlwind of attention - both negative and positive. Politics is an ugly game. Look at what happened to Obama and McCain. Lots of negative comments. Is this just because Palin is a woman, that people think she's so hands off?




  1. It is NOT the treatment of PALIN, rather her FAMILY!

  2. Winning? Yes we are winning.  

  3. Republicans are just sad that they are about to lose the election.

  4. Why would we be whining? Our candidate has already won this election. Now when Obama loses, it will only look like he got beat by a Smart Woman, and everything will be right with the world.

  5. Of course they are whining. If they whine loud enough and long enough the American people will feel that they have no right to question Sarah Palin's credentials.Lets be fair to Democrats the GOP have attacked a child before. Rush Limbaugh called Chelsea Clinton a dog,and John McCain called her ugly and worse.

    It is wrong for either side to attack family and Barack Obama and John McCain are both correct in trying to temper their overzealous supporters.

  6. the republicans are whining about not winning.  

  7. no its fun watching libs be hypocrits

  8. its all just politics as usual; this guy makes a lot of sense to me as Obama supporters wont like him cuz he is obviously anti-Obama, but his premise is right

    I dont mind Dems go after Palin, but then I am an independent and in favor of a strong third party that could challenge for the presidency, I think this is a real wake-up call we need one.

  9. Not me....What would we be whining about?

  10. They can keep whining, while Democrats are winning!

  11. Stop whining about it.

    No one ever said she was "hands off."

    But now the libs are whining that Palin changed her hairdo to improve her image, suggesting some sort of conspiracy.

    Good grief.

    Let's keep it political, people.

  12. Everybody is whining.   Not just in politics but in all areas.  This also shows the real freedom that Americans have.  I think the more negative comments that Palin gets, the greater the chance that the Republicans are going to win.  Personally, I'll give Palin a chance.   I'm excited that another woman has been given an opportunity.  You see, I'm also whining.

  13. I don't know??? But if obama get elected you are going to be swearing on the Koran not the Bible when it is time to go to court.

  14. Well, this whole media frenzy is bringing a lot of attention towards Palin. This can work out very well for her.

  15. No, it is because kids should be left out of it. Attacking her and her policies is one thing, and considered fair game in today's politics, going after her children is another matter.  

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