
Are Repubs against birth control pills?

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No-seriously! I've never heard this before. It sounds like something that fundamentalist muslims believe in so I can't believe that Repubs believe this!




  1. No way.  God bless birth control pills.  lol

  2. Sure - we are going to populate the U.S. with little Republicans.

  3. Right now HHS is moving to declare all contraception, Pill, foam, diaphragm, and even condoms declared as abortifacients.  That legally the only allowable method of contraception would be abstinence.  

    Taking it to its Republican conclusion any girl who had her period w/o having the egg fertilized would be guilty of not conceiving and any boy who had any kind of ejaculation would be considered guilty of wasting sperm.

    The Repubs want to outlaw s*x unless the people were married and only for the purpose of procreation.  So having s*x for fun would not be allowed.  Even if you were married to your partner in a heterosexual marriage.  Remember that when you vote.  The Republicans want access to your bedroom.

  4. Because the GOP ideology.

  5. No, we aren't and we wish the liberals would use them more.

  6. Where did you get that dumb idea?

    As far as I know only religious fanatics, or women who's body can't tolerate them are against them.  Republicans are like most everybody else, and are subject to all the same reasons a Democrat might reject them.

  7. Yes, if they are christians.

    Palin is the only candidate that supports banning the birth control pill.

    It's worth noting that Gov.Palin is a member of "Feminists for Life", an organization with members that openly support outlawing all "non-abortifacient contraception" (anything that stops implantation of the fertilized egg).

    We may not be able to overturn Roe vs Wade but there is no constitutional right to the birth control pill.

    Most women do not know that if your pill regulates your period, it kills babies.

    As VP she could break a tie vote in the Senate, and explain this to the men in the Senate.

  8. Not ALL of them....Sarah Palin is....against any bc and against ALL abortions...including rape, incest, and if the life of the mother is in jeopardy.

  9. not all of them. sarah palin is. another reason to vote OBAMA 08!

  10. The neocon wing of the Republican party believes that since it's "possible" for the pill to make the uterus inhospitable to a fertilized egg, then this stretch of logic is enough to make the Pill off limits and classify it as a method of abortion.  

    This is theoretical at best, because the Pill is primarily designed to suppress ovulation, meaning there's no egg to be fertilized to begin with.  But because of this secondary fail-safe condition that the Pill creates--i.e. discouraging implantation--it's handy to classify it as an abortifacient.

    But the real issue at stake here is the total disregard for women and their ability to choose their path in life.  In the rest of the world, developing countries where woman cannot control reproduction have lower rates of economic success and higher rates of domestic abuse.  

    Anyone who thinks that carrying a child to term and either giving it away because of birth control failure, or adding another child to a challenged household already struggling economically is a good thing, needs to quit laying their beliefs on the lives of others in such a cavalier fashion.  Yes, people "adapt"--but they also are damaged too often in the process when they aren't allowed to choose in situations where choice is possible.

    Behind so many supposedly "pro-child" neocon values is a strong anti-woman, anti gender equality sentiment.    

  11. No. I think many of them are against using federal money to subsidize them. But I'm a Republican, and I'd give 'em out for free if I could.

  12. Republicans are against taxpayers paying for them.

  13.      Republicans always scream about the abortion issue, but do nothing about it.  It wasn't long ago the republicans controlled the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives.

         Did they end abortion?

         Of course not, because making abortion illegal would deny the GOP one of their major "get out the vote" platforms.

         Republicans have consistently opposed and voted against all forms of birth control and education and distribution of condoms...etc.

         These are all areas that attack the problem of abortion at its roots...BEFORE pregnancy happens, yet republicans oppose these simple methods to decrease the need for abortions.

         Republicans remind me of the old man moping up the water on his kitchen floor and telling everyone what a good job he's doing, while ignoring the broken water pipe under the sink.

  14. I am not against birth control. However I am against using abortion as a form of birth control.

  15. Pro-Life Republicans are against destroying a human life at (or past) the moment of conception.

    Birth control pills prevent conception from taking place - so, no.

    There are SOME Republicans who are against birth control for religious reasons... but it is not a party platform to boycott the pill.

  16. Yes.

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