
Are Russia being unreasonable about letting the American anti missile system in Poland?

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How would America feel if Russia did the same thing in Cuba? Are Russia just defending themselves with these threats? America's plans do seem like they know a war is coming.




  1. No.

    Don't think so.

    Decode this lyrics " Say you say me"

    "In God we trust"

    With their purpose out there.

    When they too were part of "The Rose"

    "United we stand divided we fall"

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  2. How would Georgia feel if USA and Britain invaded them to force regime change?  I hear Georgia are so close to Russia they could fire a catapult that could hit russian soil within 45 minutes.  

  3. South Ossetia is part of Georgia. So Georgia was fighting rebels not attacking Russia. Russia is sort of like France in the Revolutionary war. You all can debate whether this is OK or whatever.

    Are they being unreasonable? Yes. If you declare that you are planning to use nuclear weapons to strike a nation, it is not reasonable, unless of course that nation is directly attacking you.

    Shields like this should be put into practice so we dont need so many missiles. How do people not understand this?

  4. America is looking out for its own interests.

    Russia is looking out for its own interests.

    It's not all black and white "good vs evil" thing...just depends what country you live in and your political views.

  5. just remember it is only the Americans who have used a nuclear device against another country

  6. Poland has not long freed itself from 50+ years of the brutal imperialist oppression and exploitation of the Russian empire. As an independent sovereign nation it has the right to defend itself, and make those alliances it feels are in its best interests.

  7. geez dude,what gave you that impression...yep there are tyrants that hate and want our territory,welcome to reality.let me tell you how the USA would feel about missiles in cuba,it will never happen ,unless we have a wimp like obama in office...

  8. Yes they are.

    Poland can make decisions concerning Poland without Russian approval.

    Russia's attempts to install ballistic missiles in Cuba were offensive weapons. The proposed anti missile systems for Poland are Defensive.

  9. Russia is scared and naive. It's like they threat end other people and now they want us to just forget about it or something along those lines.

  10. Russia has time and again throughout history steamrolled over Poland and subjugated them to their imperialism. Poland has no option but to protect itself from Russia. It is not the purview of Russia to "let them" or not.

    War IS coming if Russia continues this path of empire building.

    * No we are not forgetting that Russia backed Georgia into a corner they had to fight to get out of.

  11. It's not Russia's choice to "let or not let"an American anti missile system in Poland.

    Poland is not Russia.

  12. Good grief, where do these people come from? most are shouting at Russia, for not allowing the US to place missile batteries on it's border, but you were all squealing when Cuba got missiles, you all seam to have very short memories ' when it suits you'.

  13. Russia's not being unreasonable.  

    A sovereign country has every right to defend itself against a perceived threat.  Something like we did with Iraq.  

  14. Well with all respect to our history book and documentations; the Cuba Missile Crises provides the world an inside look, on how Russia feels about America placing missals so near their boarders.

    America under the John F. Kennedy Presidency, refuse acquits  and neither will Russia currently. Remember the old cliche: "If you don't study/learn from history; you'll be bound to repeat it".

  15. Russia IS not ARE.

    I think Russia is a coward attacking independent, small and defenceless countries. Russia must be punished.

    Greetings from the USA. John.

  16. Your right,it's a defence mechanism not an offensive system that's why it's called a shield.Poland is not allowed to have anything to possibly attack Russia.Why the Russian are outraged is that effectively it means that they cannot land a conventional rocket on European soil anymore as the shield is so good that it will explode it in mid air.Has any European countries thanked america...NO.Even Poland took America to the cleaners by getting them to pay to completely update their military.Something the US did not want to do

  17. I think that Russia is making a bigger deal than it should be, a Russian general has stated that the interceptor missiles will not be able to shoot down the vast amount of missiles possessed by Russia, if this is true what is the big deal? The interceptor missiles are there to protect the U.S and Europe from rogue states such as Iran not to "threaten" Russia which is a load of c**p, the Russians just like to make them selves look scary and then both countries will come to some sort of agreement after "heated" debates, and instead of ten interceptor missiles being installed in Poland, Russia will agree to nine. Then the Russians will claim a victory and drink vodka to celebrate then the U.S and the U.S.S.R, I mean Russia will be friends again. :)  No I don't live in Russia or the U.S.A. @ B rob Biological weapons are not used anymore they are banned it will be nuclear weapons.

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