
Are Russians strong mentally, emotionally, and physically?

by Guest64677  |  earlier

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Is it generally a healthy culture?




  1. I would think that Russia is made up of individuals just like anywhere else.

  2. Actually, the Russians beat the n**i's. That's what helped us win WWII.

    Are Americans generally a strong culture? You cannot make broad generalizations like that.

  3. that's a generalization. they are just as human as everyone else.

  4. THE n***s KICKED THEIR ***.

  5. Some of them are some not. Hard to generalise.

  6. The n**i's lost horribly to the Russian when the Russian invaded Germany and Berlin. Even when the n**i's invaded Germany they were being fought off by women snipers and soldiers with bricks.

    My wife is Russian. She's very tough minded, very mighty, and does not let anything or anyone make her cry. She's very resourceful and open minded. The opinions of others will not sway her mind whatsoever. She borrows and begs from no one but finds her own way. Her strength is one of the things that attracted me to her.

  7. Which particular Russian are you asking about?

  8. Yes, overall; however, their solution to everything entails Vodka. That presents problems. Also, they are so used to be subservient they do not work towards the good of all as well as they should. But they do allow themselves to perform artistically much better than others. They have great orchestras, opera, etc.

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