
Are Sagittarius' really *** Holes?

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I'm a Sag, and most people really like me, but they are usualy an aries or leo or pisces(suprisingly), but it seems like i'm the only sag i know that isn't known as mean or selfish or a lyer or in general an a*****e, can someone tell me how they feel about sagg's




  1. As above :D


    Edit : Lmao, dot I gave you a TU so... someones stalking you.. It could be someone whose jealous (here comes the TDs)

  2. Sagittarius people are kind, sweet, nice and fun.

  3. I'm wonderful.

    So I got 3 TDs and Veggie got 1 even though she has the same answer as I do?  AND CHICKLET!  I'm giving you a TU right now Chicklet, cuz we are wonderful, lol.

    You want to say there aren't stalkers following me?  lmao


    I know you did, Veggie, you got one too last night :)  Jealousy must suck.


  4. i know im an @ss hole i cant go10 mins with out saying a smart @ss comment just ask my wife im not selfesh or a lier just a smart @ss

  5. I' m a sag and i know lots of people who are sags too and they are amazing not a**holes

  6. I'm a Sagittarius and I don't think were ***Holes. I know I'm not! Most people like me because I'm very friendly and fun to be around. We are very blunt and honest and that ticks some people off. So that might be why some people want to say that.

  7. Sadly, they can be. I think it's because they tend to be self centered and are not conscientious of other people's feelings.

    Just my experience though, don't mean to offend in sagittarians.

  8. saggis are best for fire signs only!

    maybe a******s to others like water or earth signs

  9. i'm a capricorn and my best friend of at least 5 years has been a sagittarian-she's honest as h**l and least selfish

    but i do know another sagittarian who lies to almost every question and is quite selfish

    i guess there are extremes in every sign

  10. Sagiis are jolly mooded people....gr8 to be with...

  11. I love Sags!!!  I don't know a single one who I would consider an @sshole.  Not a one, that I know.

  12. Sags aren't a******s lol Sags are very generous people it's just that they speak their mind they don't beat around the bush they speak whats on their minds not realizing that it might upset someone else.

    I know a Sag who has one of the kindest hearts on earth.

  13. No they're not. My boss is a Sag and there's no possible way he can be an a*****e. He's so laid back and easy going. Also he's way too nice to fire people. I almost wish he was an a*****e.

    Lol, I am a piscean... I don't think I really helped your theory.

  14. No dear. We are Black holes with a gravitational field  so powerful that nothing, not even light, can escape our pull after having fallen past our event horizon.Sagittarius is the explorer of zodiac with sharp and penetrating mind that nothing can escape our X-ray vision ,even your next move!!!!!

  15. Im wonderful too !!!


  16. don't worry scorpios are way worse than sag's...i know a couple sag's and they are cocky but not in a a*****e kind of way...not like scorpios(sorry ppl) they are revengful, vindicitive and manipulative. be thankful u werent born a lil earlier.

  17. well all the sag i met all of them is haters, selfish and yes the a hole... but thats alright... thats my opposite anyways..


  18. There is this one Sagittarius girl I know, she got jealous and her jealously caused damage.

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