
Are Sagittarius men providers?

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I have a very old fashioned view on "roles' in the household, and I believe a man should be able to take care of his family. Of course a woman shold provide support, but end all be all its the mans role..sorry all you feminist out there. Are sags typically providers or more 50/50 type people or expect their woman to provide. I ask this cuz my sag will pay for things, or will just want to stay home so he wont have to pay for things, but when he's in a rut (not even a rut when he wants to gamble he'll look at me for help!) Maybe he's an addict?




  1. Depends...

    I'm a sag female and I've dated sag males.

    Some can be and some just aren't....PERIOD!

    I actually think they are loving, very caring, and will do anything when they've given you full trust with no fear of wandering....

  2. 'I have a very old fashioned view on "roles' in the household, and I believe a man should be able to take care of his family"

    I think it's safe to say that most people agree with this.  No one wants a slacker parent.

    "Of course a woman shold provide support, but end all be all its the mans role..sorry all you feminist out there."

    You're an idiot.  There are feminists that are stay at home moms, there are women who aren't feminists (eww) that work outside the home.  STOP RELYING ON STEREOTYPES TO MAKE YOUR POINT!!

    " I ask this cuz my sag will pay for things, or will just want to stay home so he wont have to pay for things, but when he's in a rut (not even a rut when he wants to gamble he'll look at me for help!) Maybe he's an addict?"

    Ummm...this kinda paplies to any sign.  If he doesn't have the money, then he needs to be more stable. Or, newsflash: He's not your father.  Get a job.

  3. they can be... i guess

    they're generous sometimes, but to give you an honest answer, my sagittarius father is very bad with money :((((

    the best person with money i know is a capricorn

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