
Are Seether & Dave Matthews Band popular in South Africa?

by Guest58288  |  earlier

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I was just wondering because I know they're big in the States, but both are originally from South Africa.




  1. Seether was very big in South Africa pity they had to change the name of the band. Yes I know of Dave Matthews band.

  2. Well seeing as they are South African yes Seether are very big in SA! I love their new song "Rise Above This"

    My best friend is in a band in SA and is friends with Seether and another band called Snotkop who sings mostly in Afrikaans but he started out singing Zulu and/or Xhosa when he first started out!! I love Snotkop's song Ek Wens (I wish) it's baie mooi maar hartseer!! (means it's very beautiful but sad)

    I also love the band The Parlotonesn and their song "I'll be There" have you heard them? If not you must! They are South African as well...!! We have some great musicians in this country!!

    But I haven't heard of Dave Matthews before.

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