
Are Sept. 11th and Heath Ledger's death related?

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I think they are. Heath Ledger sustained wounds from shards of the World Trade Center while he was walking near the buildings when they collapsed. He died because the asbestos from the building shards leaked into his bloodstream and gave him cancer. He kept the cancer from killing him with chemo for seven years but then he died =( I'm a personal friend of his mother and that's what she told me. R.I.P. good buddy.




  1. you bet ye they are.

  2. Why no, you didn't get the latest from Conspiracy Central? Heath was murdered because he was found to be the guardian of the list of 9/11 conspirators. He had threatened to sell the list to FOX News and the Gotham Daily Centennial. You need to subscribe to the, then you will never miss the true events.

  3. No, I don't think they are related.

  4. I think you are off your tree mate, Sept 11th was a terrorist attack Heath (God rest his Soul) died from a prescription drugs overdose- no connection whatsoever.

    Learn to read and think about what you read and not what the voices in your head are telling you

  5. ummm..... are you ******* seriouse???? i think if that were true it would have been reported by someone other than you.

  6. first of all, the question seems absurd (sorry) and the connection is ludicrous. they are not related in any way. and if what you just said is true, come on man, do you think papers or even gossip magazines would not write about heath being wounded in the 9/11 attacks way before?

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