
Are Shy Girls more wilder then Girls Who are mind open?

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I sometime wonder tho

Which girl is more wilder? Girls who are shy or Girls who are more mind open, which as not stray to talk to you, hold your hands and others.

What do you think? Again, I know this is a silly question

Feel Free to answer my other question that I post:;_ylt=AvEMc6iIGlNz5YJlYs5lDjPsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080902123039AAztAIk




  1. I know I am!

  2. In bed ... often

    (Im a virgin but I've heard this)

  3. as a guy! theres nothing i want more than a shy girl

  4. Good question but I'd say both.

    What I think is that any girl, shy or not, can be wild when given by the right incentive or touch.

    Wait a minute, wild in what way?  

  5. Girls who are more mind open!!!!

  6. Shy girls are just shy, they don't talk, eat or do things in public that will draw people attention to them mainly boys.  

  7. I am wilder than most of my friends

    and I am very open minded.

  8. lol yes they do.. in school i'm like the miss goody good. i go to school everyday, do my work, good grades, and everything goes so good.. professors probably think i'm a saint or a secret angel.. but lemme tell u something.. out side of that, is another girl, wilder than anything you've ever see on discovery channel!! lol

  9. in my experience, my shy female friends were not more wild.

    and please stop saying more wilder, it's either more wild or wilder. sorry it just sounds so wrong that i had to do the dreaded grammar correction.

  10. my wife was a shy girl in college.. its true! they're wilder than you could imagine!

  11. yes sometimes like when they get mad out of nowhere.

  12. Shy girls are typically more wild than non-shy girls.  They're more apt to please and less likely to think only of themselves.

  13. i can be wild at the right moment and i'm shy

  14. Go with smart girls, its a proven fact that smart girls are more wild if your talking about s*x in bed.  They are wiling to talk dirty, and try things.

  15. shy girls are way more wild!!! lolz

  16. I'd have to say the more shy girls. Behind shyness is always someone who is really thinking about something. I personally belive that sometimes shy girls like myself are more likely to be wild because we rely on other people to bring out the best in us... but yeah they are much more pleasing...

  17. the phrase your looking for is "open-minded".  As in, "Are girls who are shy more wile then girls who are open-minded"

    I don't actually know the answer to your question, but assuming English isn't your first language I thought i'd help you out with that.

  18. Both shy girls and good girls have a wild side!! I do and I am both. Usually it takes awhile to find but most guys dont try to at first because I guess I give off the good girl vibe..

  19. You're making the wrong comparison. Shy girls can have open minds, and wild girls may be closed-minded. Those things don't necessarily go together.

    I'm VERY shy offline, but am very open minded.

    Being "wild" (in private) also has little to do with being shy or not. However an extroverted person is more likely to be 'wild' in public, than a shy person....unless alcohol is involved.

  20. It depends more on the girl than whether she is shy or out going.  You can have one girl who is shy and doesn't like holding hands or kissing in public but she is wild in the bedroom.  Then you can get a girl who likes all that and is still wild in the bedroom.  Same goes in reverse.

  21. Sometime shy girls are more wilder then girls that are open minded.

    But i would recomend to get to no her before you juge the girl.

  22. shy girls because they hold everything inside till one moment and wild girls are always wild so you are use to them..

  23. With wild girls everyone already knows they get around and they do things...with shy girls you have to find out what they are all about and some of them are more wild then the wild girls, they just like to keep it to themselves.  

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