
Are Small Gunite cracks in new pool build a real issue?

by  |  earlier

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We are having an in ground pool built, and the gunite was shot 8 days ago. We watered the gunite twice a day for 7 days as told. Looking in the bottom of the pool today we noticed dozens of cracks, pretty thin, going generally in the same direction (along pool lengthwise). Do they seal these before plaster? Is this common or should I be worried? Anyone had a pool built and seen anything similar?




  1. we have an in ground gunite pool and i don't remember any cracks in the gunite nor does my hubby. i would certainly make every effort to find out before plaster is on, maybe city inspector could help. Hope you hired a reputable pool co to build yours maybe you could call their least to get your concerns documented just in case and TAKE  NAMES, what was told to you ,dates, times. I don't mean to sound alarmest just cautious

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