
Are Snow Flake Eels worth having?

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I'm considering purchasing one, i've never wanted anything that lives in water until i saw one of them eating. I own tons of snakes and i guess that is what draws me to them. I know how to take care of a salt water and tank and its no big deal. I just need to know, from the people who already own/owned one if they think it is really worth having. Any information and responses are wanted. Thanks!




  1. I have had a Snowflake eel for over 4 years. It is about 20" long and I love it. It stays out in the open swimming most of the time and then hunts through my live rock for the live crabs I feed it. Some people have eels that hide alot, mine doesn't. Speaking of the live food however, it has never-Never- eaten anything not live. I tried all types of seafood, small dead fish, etc. It will only eat live prey items like the crabs , occasionally feeder goldfish , any ornamental shrimps I've tried to add, and a few of my damsels. Oh well, I like the eel enough that I'm not too  worried.

  2. These ells are the easiest to care for. They usually stay hidden in the rock work until hungry or smell food. They should not be feed goldfish since they cant digest it properly not to many swimming in the ocean. other than that they are a very interesting marine fish.

  3. Awesome fish.

    Used to have a 30''er.

    Unfortunatly they are sold as freshwater, or as just needing ''a little aquarium salt''

    They NEED to be converted to FULL strength saltwater (marine salt, not aquaium salt)

    Mine went 3 months before he started eating.

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