
Are Standard Poodles Good Pets?

by Guest64839  |  earlier

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Are Standard Poodles Good Pets?




  1. They are GREAT pets.  Just don't get a puppy they're too wild and hard to control.  When mine was a puppy he would dart out the front door, took forever to potty train and chewed everything in sight.  But now that he's older he's a great dog.  Good watch dog too and is very smart. I suggest rescuing and adult standard from

  2. Standard Poodles are wonderful companions! Don't be fooled by the fancy cuts the show dogs have, these are very athletic and smart dogs.They don't shed, are easy to train and are very good watch dogs. They were used by the French for military purposes during WWII and are not sissy dogs at all.

  3. They are very good pets. They're highly intelligent and don't shed. The only problem is that their fur grows pretty fast, so you have to get them groomed. I would adopt one from the shelter. Remember:SPAY AND NEUTER YOU'RE PETS!!!!

  4. Standard Poodles are TERRIFIC!  Dismissed as a foo-foo dog, Standard Poodles are anything but.  They are used for almost any job, including sentry duty during World War II.  They are highly intelligent, clownish with good humor, love to perform, and are generally very easy-going and compassionate.  They are good as service dogs, either for the handicapped or as canine Good Citizens to schools and nursing homes.  They come in many lovely colors and poodle hair is considered a 'non-shed' variety of hair - which is, of course, false, but they APPEAR to shed less than the average dog, and it is true that poodle hair will not stick to everything like, say, Labrador hair will.

    Yes - if I were in any position to have a dog, a Standard is in my top 5 favorite dogs!

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