
Are Sunday drives a thing of the past?

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Sunday Drive

Windows down

hair blowing wild

singing along

with Niel Diamond

Blue skies ablaze

with summer time sunshine

nothing but cornfields for miles

sweet lemonade

and cold fried chicken

a memory now....

can't afford the gas




  1. no people still do them 2day

  2. NO. But we do it differently now, as I am a member of the local H.O.G. and we gather each Sunday morning and ride as a group to different places for lunch or just to see an attraction.

    May sound strange to some, but riding on a motorcycle for two hours just for lunch may sound crazy, but we do it. It feels great to get on the bike and ride at 52mpg, since gas is so high. Enjoy the smell of fresh cut grass, flowers, fruit in blossom, you name it, just to get out and enjoy what is here and now. And still listen to the radio as we ride.

  3. That was Crunchy Granola Sweet of you to write that.

    It's called the "butter / slam" method,.... last line slam! Love it! Do more!


  4. Sounds like a great way to spend a Sunday. I spent some summers in the sunshine - but I had to travel about 2 hours to the north - to get away from coastal fog. We didn't have cornfields - but did see a few dairy farms and vineyards. ♥

  5. I like, a good memory too.  Try this  "with summer's shine" and "nothing but cornfields"  To me, it deeps it tighter and in the case of "for miles" , that seems redundant.  Overall my compliments.

  6. I was thinking of gas prices when I saw your title. I remember getting into the car after church. "Where are we going, daddy?"

    And of course, he would answer, "wherever the road takes us."

    Sometimes it took us to the sandbar along the Mississippi. I loved those days, playing in the water, climbing the limestone rocks barefooted, and admiring the locus trees.

    Thanks for the memories.

  7. Well stated in a very tight way. You make your point. I fear the problem you so well illustrate will only get worse...

  8. Nice poem Reenie, "Sunday Drivers" may be a thing of the past, I have cut mine out and I do miss them.

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