
Are TNC's (Trans - National Corporation) Evil Empires?

by Guest61880  |  earlier

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Discuss, i believe they are not so i need some points on why they are anything will help, Thankyou!




  1. OK > what follows is a working man's view, & I'm giving it to you straight from the gut.  You may not like it, but I pull no punches, I buy no lunches.

    What I've noticed is that the bigger companies took over the little ones > just like the railroads did in the mid to late 1800s in the USofA.. And by eliminating any viable competition, they can say the same thing as railroad baron Vanderbilt said >>"The public be damned!"

    You see, the CEO & his mistress come first in the pecking order, the Board of Directors next, then the stockholders, managers, the peons working for peanuts, outsourcing departments like the janitorial staff, customer service reps in India, & then finally, you, the actual customer who is paying for everything & everyone above.

    Now when you're dead last, behind even the janitors, what do you expect from the Customer Service people, who are just a notch above you?  Often times, you'll be transferred from one department to the next, hung up on,  & kicked to the curb if you don't press 10-15 buttons on your telephone in proper order.  

    And when energy companies are proudly proclaiming they are earing 12 billion dollars a QUARTER, by selling their gasoline at a highly inflated cost, I have to question:  Where's the fairness here?  Through mergers & acquisitions, all competition has been eliminated.  When one company raises price, the rest follow almost in lock step.  

    Lousy customer service, highly inflated costs to line the CEO's pockets, & less competition, does not bode well for anyone at the mercy of the TNC's.  

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