
Are Tauranga drivers the worst in NZ?

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I think Auckland drivers are the worst in NZ but I'd like to know what people have experienced while driving in Tauranga, NZ.




  1. h**l no! lol that is so not true mate ;) aucklanders are XD

  2. It clear that none of you lived in Christchurch:) I lived in Auckland most my life but also spent few years in chch. What you consider to be worse is two different driving styles. Auckland the drivers are smart and with that brings (think of them self only driving). Christchurch on the other hand the people just not no how to drive. I never seem to find tauranga a too bad place for driving. I think like Christchurch the problems stem for the elderly on the road.

  3. I live in TGA, its those phukhead teens that are the worst, I live on PMA BCH RD...its loooooong n' str8....exactly what those lil shyts like. u can hear them coming from maranui st,  its quite scary.

  4. I'd definitely have to say Auckland drivers are the worst too.  The problem with TGA however is that it's expanding so quickly and the roads aren't designed to cope with the increase in traffic.  It has changed dramatically since I lived there about 12yrs ago.  But I thinks it's more the thick traffic that makes it frustrating and can cause some road rage.

  5. i think nelson are the worst.Tauranga is ok but auckland is worse.

  6. i think rotorua is the worst, they don't know how to indicate at round abouts.

    Quite clearly we all suck at driving, but it's not us, it's everyone else that dosen't know how to drive

  7. Auckland has to be by far the worst place to drive worse than Sydney...

    Dont worry with petrol going over $2L those petrol heads in Tauranga will be trading their wheels in for shoes...

  8. I think the worst drivers are in the hawkes bay

  9. In Wellington, the drivers tend to anticipate the green light and will take off before it shows.

    In Dunedin and Auckland, drivers will keep coming through an intersection long after the light turned red.

    Guess what happens when a Wellington driver goes to Ak or Dn, and vice versa too.

    As for Tga, well the town seems to have more than its fair share of petrol heads, immature and inexperienced kids who, if you ask them, will tell you they are the best drivers ever.

    They are legends in their own mind.

  10. to be honest - we could all do with a course in courtesy driving - i doubt very much that drivers in auckland are worse than those in tauranga or any other place - theres just more of them in auckland due to the higher population!

  11. I live in Mount Maunganui and id have to say that the way people drive in Tauranga is quite good. You can get the odd bad driver but apart from that i don't have many problems. Yes there are alot of "boy racers" that come here but isn't there in other towns as well? As i have expierenced. :) But thats just makes this town what it is. lol

  12. I agree with you. Auckland drivers are certainly the worst in the whole country!

    I didn't have a problem with the way Tauranga drivers drove but rather how they drove.

    There are heaps of teens in cars in Tauranga (mainly in Mount Manganui) with done up wheels, spoilers etc. Tauranga is a lovely place though.

    I live on the Gold Coast and the only problem I have with drivers is when I'm walking to school I always get rude comments shouted out of the window at me by passing cars, haha.

    Can't really do much, only laugh.

    Thanks for the question :)

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