
Are Taurus good listeners?

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Mine is. But, the problem is he hardly ever talks. I am an aries and i dont know if this goes, but i talk a lot. And his non-talkative nature is kinda starting to bore me. Because now, everytime we talk, it feels like a chore. Like i am the one who has to bring the excitement. Anyway, are Taurus good listeners?




  1. I have a high opinion of taurus men. They really dislike CHATTER or like they say- Nonsense talk, they are very to the point,and though they are perfectionists, they aren't into small talk like virgo, or knit-picking,they are blunt. Aries, you are so energetic, taurus sometime wish you'd stop talking, and think before you speak-but look at david beckham, and victoria-their taurus/aries match seems great,yet against the odds.

  2. I think all Earth signs are.

    Maybe you should just talk to him about it. If hes a good listener, he will listen to what you have to say. Just tell him how you feel.

    Good Luck

  3. Yes.....wear something revealing and leave refreshments in front of them and soft cushions too.

  4. yes we are good listeners, but not talkative,

    i prefer to listen rather than talk

  5. If you are talking about Taurus men, they will be quiet when you talk and you will think they are listening, but they tend to switch off.

    That's what my husband does, so I always stop and check that he heard what I said!!

  6. yeah..they are..they are really really goood persons to talk to tehy dnt talk too much..but will always listen...but if u ask them they too will talk..eventually..theya rent mysterious..they just prefer to listen

  7. the taurus girls are more talkative than taurus guys (if you are close with them) I've known many taurus guys and the do listen but they might JUST listen. This taurus guy in my team used to pick me up with his dad for practices and games and his dad would talk to him and he looked like he was frozen or something. I'm a leo so you can tell why I was wondering. I would also feel awkward with him since he was pretty silent (not awkward for him though). But personally I think taurus girls are pretty bad listeners (still depends on your moon sign which represents your personality). My taurus ex just talked and talked and when I would talk she would be zoned out. And my bestfriend was a pretty good listener too. It just depends on your birth chart though. Maybe his moon sign is a negative sign(introverted) and your moon sign is a positive sign(extroverted). But overall taurus guys dont talk a lot.

  8. I'm a taurus. I've been told i'm a great listener and give great advice.

    I'm not very good at focusing on the conversation if i believe someone is rambling or just a long talker in general. I'm working on that.

  9. I'm a Taurus...

    and I'd say we try. We will sit and listen, but we easily tune out into our dreamworld. Also if Taurus is busy with a dilemma of their own... it's likely they only hear half of what you're saying.

  10. Well maybe its just your Taurus. I am very talkative. Actually people say I talk too much and am too opinionated. Taurus will listen when you talk but usually will give you there two cents worth after. Some are the strong and silent type but myself and the ones I know are not. We talk too much. Very into telling others what we think and feel about things!


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