
Are Taxes Bad?

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Republicans are always talking about cutting taxes. But aren't taxes important and necessary to mantatining a healthy, functioning society?




  1. they maintain a sane healthy enconomy

  2. Some taxes are necessary, but when you increase taxes, generally the economy becomes worse, as people have less money to spend, and so businesses do not make as large of profits, jobs are not created, etc.  

    The taxes that are necessary pay for roads, public schools, public officials, the police, fire department, etc., but in most developed countries the taxes we pay also go towards social welfare programs, defense spending, funding appropriated by the government to science programs, like NASA, health programs, like Medicare and Medicaid, and everything else you can think of.  Unfortunately, as there is no real way to effectively protest the growth of taxes and the growth of pork spending, our economy suffers as taxes are raised again and again.  

    A healthy, functioning society can be maintained without spending millions and millions of tax money on a trip to Mars, costly wars, or social welfare programs.  

    Our country flourished at a time where there was no income tax, where citizens were able to use their money to invest and create business.  Our country is in decline now because our nation is moving towards the European welfare-state idea, where everyone is subsidized by someone else, and no one is encouraged to work hard or make money because taxes make the profit meaningless to the person who creates it.  Communism failed, and social welfare programs fail too.

  3. taxes are not bad....high taxes are bad

    The problem is that government wastes the tax money on things like welfare and food stamps.

  4. Yes, taxes are necessary.  But too much taxation hinders the economy.  And the government is a horribly inefficient machine.  Government spending needs to be cut, and THEN tax cuts need to follow.
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