
Are The Eggs We Eat Unborn Chicken?

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If so, then can't we make human eggs by using women's eggs?

If we did that, wouldn't that be like eating unborn babies?




  1. no the girl chicken lays an egg the the male comes and fertilizes the egg we take the eggs befor fertilized so no its not techniqly a unborn chicken becaouse it was never fertelized

  2. No.

  3. No, they're not unborn chicks. I went on a science trip and I vaguely remember the explanation, but I don't want to give you wrong info. They're like, just eggs.

  4. A hen naturally lays eggs as part of its life cycle. In a year, a hen usually lays about 350 eggs. The eggs we eat are not future baby chicks because they haven't been fertilized. It's not like they can ask a rooster to fertilize a hen's egg every single day. This is why at farms, some hens lay eggs for fertilization to create new baby chicks while other hens lay eggs for consumption everyday.

  5. No No and No.

  6. funny you should ask...i think they are unfertilized eggs.

  7. The eggs that we eat are not fertilized by a rooster. These hens are kept away from roosters. So we're not eating unborn chicks, we're actually eating the egg itself.

    Just how a woman has her period and releases an egg, its kind of along those lines.

  8. the eggs we eat are unfertilized, so no we are not eating unborn chickens.

    I'm not even sure where you're headed with that other question.

  9. Hens will produce eggs even when they're not going to have babies. They lay an egg as part of their menstrual cycle. The eggs that people eat are unfertilized, so chickens would not hatch out of them.

  10. Chickens average about 300 eggs a year.  That's 1 egg a day for most days.  Chickens don't really have a "menstrual cycle" like mammals.

    Most eggs in markets are unfertilized.  There needs to be a rooster around to fertilize the egg.  So it's just something that COULD become a chicken, but it isn't one yet.

    Human eggs are about the size of a head of a pin.  Not exactly a filling meal.  The egg is no more "an unborn baby" than a male sperm cell is.

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