
Are There Any Chances Of A Third World War?

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Are There Any Chances Of A Third World War?




  1. i certainly HOPE SO...then i can finally get a good paying job:)

  2. open your eyes we are already there

  3. We are already fighting a third world cold war but the powers that be are too divided ands numerous.

  4. Yes.

    There's an armada of US & English ships off the coast of Iran, just waiting for the order.

    Israel has been talking about a preemptive strike on Iran.

    Pakistan and India both have nukes, and tensions are high with them.

    Georgia and Russia are still in conflict.

    It could get much worse - fast.

  5. as long as theres evil people on earth then there will continue to be wars on earth


  6. Yes it will happen. However first the world will be lulled into a false peace. Then all h**l will break loose with the Arabs invading Israel backed by Russia, then we will be obligated to join in to defend them.

  7. Eventually until then get use to rumors of war,propaganda, and anti propaganda.

  8. i THINK it is on the way. The signs are imminent. Watch out for the Federal Reserve and International banking system. When they want the war it will happen.

  9. there are wars all over the world with so many different n ations and alliances. I have a feeling we are half way there....

  10. i swear to god at least 50 people ask this question every day and no theres not gonna be a world war anytime soon and this question annoys the h**l out of me

  11. There are, but it's not likely. If there is, it could come from anywhere. What about the disputes between India and China over borders. The two biggest countries in the world would certainly drag others into the fight. Georgia-Russia could have sparked off another war if it was badly handled. It still could but not as much as people think. Basically, only the countries with Nuclear Warheads are gonna start a war though. But, like i said - not likely, we've learnt from our mistakes enough times to be so stupid again.

  12. Yes but don't worry Obama will take care of US.

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