
Are There Any More Ways To Save Planet Earth?

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Hi does anyone know more than 3 ways of saving earth? I was thinking of new ways. I wanted to get a good education in middle school by showing kids on how to help save our planet. If you do have a way can you please tell me? ^ ^ :)




  1. The Earth has been going strong for 4.5 billion years and will continue to do so until the sun engulfs it. Earth does not need saving.

    Maybe you should ask "how can I save my habitat?"

  2. You have to go back to our stone age. Avoid using any artificial means.

  3. The earth doesn't need saving.  It was around long before humans arrived, and it will be around long after humans are gone... right up until the point that the sun begins to die, enlarges to be come a red giant, and engulfs the earth (and we really can't do anything to stop that from happening).

    To paraphrase one of my favorite books, we can't destroy the earth or save it... we can only try to save ourselves.

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