
Are There Ways You can take a negative occurrence and Turn it Into Something Positive Filled with Love/Mercy?

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Are There Ways You can take a negative occurrence and Turn it Into Something Positive Filled with Love/Mercy?




  1. Yes, it is called patience.

    God tests you constantly and it is up to you whether you take tests negatively or positively.

    Have faith for it constantly reminds you to be patience, then that is when you can truly turn it to positive, just think that whatever comes your way it is God's will that you're in that situation and take it wholeheartedly without complain no matter how painful it is.

  2. Yes

  3. YES ......

  4. Definitely.

    I live life this way.

    Right from birth I was placed into a negative view and kind of life. As the dr. broke my skull by dropping me ( no need to be spanked, lol )

    But I know I got off lucky. As I hit the corner of the delivery table when he lost hit grip of me and dropped me. The way I hit, and the place in my brain that my skull broke. Is over my sensory part of the brain. So I could've lost my sight, my hearing, my ability to speak, or even walk. It could've left me paralyzed, or even killed me,  But God didnt let that happen to me.  He made sure that I only ended up with a limitation insitead of a disability. ( The state considers it one, but I don't )  As I only ended up living with Epilepsy. BUT I know that doesnt define me, I have it it doesnt have me.

    Then the world said I'd fail in life, and wouldn't amount to much. They gave me a list of things someone like me couldn't or wouldn't succeed at. I said with God's help , if it was meant to be it'd happen. Just a few of those things were graduate, get married, have kids, hold a job, and drive.  Yet I've gotten and done all those things and more.  I am the only one out of my siblings and myself, that graduated high school. I had drempt deep in my heart that if I got married I'd want to marry a model, or if I could have kids I'd want to little girl 1st, So I could dress her up in fancy frills and spend time  showing her how to do fun things. Then if I could ever have another I wanted a little boy with blonde hair and blue eyes.  I GOT ALL THOSE THINGS!! Because God knew what I had to endure with the negative attitudes and  creulty, and how I wanted to show I was as good as anyone else.  

    I had a brain tumor removed in 1982, 2 weeks after my 18th birthday. The hints and signs of it being there began on my birthday. ( some gift huh ) When they went in  and removed it . They siad it looked like a golf ball with little fingers sticking out of it, BUT it was sealed inside a sack or fluid. When they cut into it, they found the original bone fragment from when my skull was broken.  So even there God protected me.  As it was both malignant and benign. As the ball of it was benign, but the little fingers, philanges growing off of it were malignant.  So God made sure it wouldnt grow anywhere else. but was just allowed to  remove the bone fragment.

    Even in my pregnancies. Which were very high risk. I had  close to 300 grand mals in the 9 months during my pregnancy with my girl, then 190  of them with my son.  God always made sure I never landed on my stomach only my butt. That none of my medications messed up my kids. They both came out healthy and smart. No ill effects  from the amount of drugs / prescriptions I had to have in my system.

    Even though my 3 miscarriages were a very dark point in my life, ( as I knew what my babies were going to be)  I know that I may not of been so lucky to survive through those. As my body wasnt strong enough at that point. If I did get through  them, then I may not have  my beautiful blonde hair blue eyed boy. As I wouldn't have had him. They wouldn't allow me anymore babies, ( I agreed) As it was too stressful and dangerous. So They made sure by cutting my tubes. I'm fine with it.

    For every bad thing in my life I can point out a variety of miracles as well.  After every storm in my life. God always had a way of showing me the values in life, and that I got through it ok.

    If you want to know more about my story, you can read my testimony in y360 page under this name.It's in the beginning posts a life of miracles

  5. yes,Amen sister/ heart feels your hurt

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