I have a cingular LG1400 phone. I have dowloaded ringtones on the cingular site before. 3 to be exact. I really want to know if I can get them for free. Instead of paying 2 50. And Please dont fill this column with spam. I really do not want a free ringtone plan. Like 9.99 per month stuff, I dont want that stuff. Just plain old, dowload one ringtone at a time for free. Also please dont say there is no such thing because I know there is.
ALSO- I heard about that 3Gforfree thing from my friends. They used there phones and dowloaded unlimited pics, and rings, and games. They did that on there phone internet, and they assured me it was free. I went on the site on the computer and it says you have to pay yearly. If you do it on your phone is it different? Please, I really need help here.