
Are These Compatible?

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I was thinking of getting a big cage and putting in some red ear slider turtles and fish in a pond, a gartner snake or 2, and some type of lizard. I want to know if this is ok and which lizard and fish to put in.




  1. You can't get a big enough cage to house all of them in a healthy environment.  Turtles make a lot of waste and quickly foul the water.  Even if you could setup a very expensive filtering system, the fish wouldn't likely survive long.  Even under the best of circumstances, that just too many animals in a closed environment.   It would be impossible to keep it clean and healthy for all the inhabitants, and they'd all start to develop health problems.  

    If you'd like a vivarium with a small pond and fish, consider some kind of fish-eating reptile or amphibian and use the pond for feeder fish.

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