
Are These Condo's Safe For Rabbits? ?

by  |  earlier

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I wonder if they ever slip and fall off the ramps...




  1. This is not safe or suitable for a rabbit.  They need much more space than that and an entirely different design.  Rabbits will use different levels in a cage if ti is set up the correct way.  There is typically no need for a ramp as the rabbit can just hop up to the next level.

    Try building something like a NIC cage, it will be cheaper and much larger.

  2. Um, no, not really.

    That's for CLIMBING animals, like degus, chinchillas, gerbils...etc. etc.

    Rabbits need a wide and long cage with a lot of floor space- they don't need or use platforms.

    You forget, a lot of products merchandised towards certain animals are totally unsuitable- for example, exercise balls advertised for gerbil and guinea pig owners when both animals risk serious and painful injury from such toys. I'm not saying that these companys really don't care about animals, but just take everything advertised with a pinch of salt- that says it's suitable for rabbits because they want to sell as many as possible, and whereas most rabbits probably won't injure themselves on it (there's still a chance), its design is not suited towards rabbits who don't climb in the wild, and a ground cage with no platforms but just as long as this is tall would be a lot more suitable for rabbits.

  3. h**l no

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