
Are These My Real Friends?

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Whenever my friends call me I'm either playing guitar, reading, watching t.v., or writing songs and stories. When I tell them that this is the reason why I'm busy they laugh at me or call me a loser for being inside all day. It's not like I don't get excercise or anything, I get enough! I run 30 minutes on my tredmill everyday. I'm not overweight and I'm able to get alot of girlfriends. Should I stop what I'm doing to go hang out with my friends? Usually I'm not in the mood to hang out with them either. It's not like I dont go out at all, I still have cadets and I like to go out with my parents or an odd movie with some of my friends; or invite them over to swim in my above ground pool. (not the ones that make fun of me). Should I stop doing all this stuff for my friends to stop making fun of me or should I keep doing what I'm doing. By the way I love writing songs and playing guitar! And some of the parties and stuff my friends go to include drugs and alcohol...




  1. Oh goodness.

    Don't stop what your doing!There is no need for that,it sounds like these people aren't into what you are into.Just because you enjoy writing,or playing the guitar,or reading doesnt mean there is anything wrong at all.If people can't accept that then maybe they aren't your true friends.If you really feel like this is a problem then go out more often,but you don't have to party.Don't do it because of other people,do it for yourself.if you feel comfortable with what your doing,then don't worry about what your friends think...

    maybe try helping me out by answering my question too?

    thank you,and i hope this helped!

    good luck:)

  2. Dear friend.... Dont worry about for anyother... Do your work perfectly and one day you will got all the happys in your life.... All the best my dear friend....

  3. they want to hang out with you and when you reject them they probably feel bad and make fun of you and make it seem wierd that you dont want to hang out with them.

    they are probably the kind of people were being viewed as cool is priority number one does that fit them?

    they could be your real friends if you hang out with them enough and start having talks about real stuff.  

  4. They aren't really real good friends if they constantly make fun of you for your interests that you love doing so much. Maybe find friends with similar interests as you. Like ones who love to play guitars or write songs you could probably have a jam session or something with them. Hang out more with the ones who don't make fun of you. I can see that they are disappointed but they don't have to get mad and make fun of you. If you would like to stay friends with them maybe when they call and your busy with your guitar or reading you could tell them that you are busy but then schedule a time good for both of you to do something together. Maybe they feel everytime they call you just happen to be doing something so maybe you can show that maybe later you actually would like to do something with them =) but I recommend to get involved with some of the stuff they do at the parties. and if they call you a loser for not doing the drugs or getting drunk with them..then they aren't your true friends.,,good luck hope this helped a bit =D

  5. Well u should just do less of the stuff u like 2 hang with ur friends. Ur parents have probably told "oh friends come & go" & all the c**p which is true. But while u have ur friends spend a lot of time with them. I don't know about the friends that call u loser 4 the stuff u luv doin. And uh u probably don't want my opinion in the parties with drugs & me....

  6. No they aren't trust me from my experiences they are fake, will drop you in any second. Your true friends will like what you do and wouldn't make fun of you for what you do. Go to a "lower" group of friends that care about you, I did and now I am a lot happier.

    Best of wishes.  

  7. I know a guy with your exact name, did you go to coyle?

    But anyway, they aren't true friends, you need to let them go and do your own thing

    make new friends :)

    good luck


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