
Are They Allowed to Do This?

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I am working for a small independant estate agency at the mo, have been working here for about eight months. As the property market is so bad (and I am their only employee) they are having to cut my full time hours, 5 days per week, to only 4 days per week. Are they allowed to do this without giving me any notice? Also I got the impression they are kinda expecting me to just get a bit of bar work or something to make up for the lost pay of that one day a week, but i am thinking of leave all together, as it could just get worse and worse i guess and me end up with no job at all!! what would you guys do in this situation? Thanks




  1. If you're the only employee, they fall under the "small business" category.  There are far less rules and restrictions for small business.

    They could have fired you altogether - but it sounds like they're trying.  Give them some room to breathe and be accommodating.  They're just trying to make it right now.

    If you need more hours, then give them your notice and find another job.  That might actually help them to hire someone for less hours at a lesser wage.

    Sorry for taking their side, but I'm a small business owner too.


  2. Yes, they are your employers, they can do pretty much any thing. Besides you are still considering working full time.

  3. This actually happened in a company i worked for. They made shift changes to every hourly paid employees(including supervisors) and that resulted in half of the people losing 12 hours every 2 weeks(including that supervisor) so alot people just quit.

    So, since you are paid by hours (i assume you are not contracted to have fixed shifts), there is not much you can do when your company take away your shifts. And that also means they don't need to give you much notice (here in Canada, when you are paid by hours, employer can just tell you not to come to work tomorrow if they want). I guess you can of course quit if you want to get another full time job.

  4. Stay and lump it. Leave and try and get a better job. Estate agency- going to get worse so they will probably be looking to put you on 3 days a week.

  5. Do you live in the US?  Most employers in the US employ people "at will" unless they have a signed contract with the employee that specifies length of employment and compensation if they decide to let you go.  "At will" means that they can pretty much cut your hours, or fire you, without giving a reason.   Of course they still have to follow state and federal employment laws, but cutting your hours wouldn't fall under those.  Since you have the experience, I would seek employment with another agency who can give you more hours.  BUT don't leave this position until you have already accepted another one.

  6. Unfortunately, yes, they can do that without any notice. If companies are having financial difficulties, they can make cut backs without telling employees. It's not right, but it happens. Either find a part time job to supplement your income if you need it or find a different agency to be with. If you really like where you are at though, just get a part time job and ride it out. The market is not always going to be like this.

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