
Are Treadmills any good?

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I'm thinking of buying one and don't know if I should buy a motorised or a manual.




  1. Treadmills are very good for cardio workouts. The motorized ones are more expensive, but worth the extra money.

  2. I have a motorised one its great

  3. There really is no reason to buy a non-motorized treadmill. They have a lot of drawbacks that you should consider before buying one since the matter of manual vs. motorized treadmills goes far beyond price.


  4. Yes they are good and motorised is best. You need to do your homework before you decide. I have a Carl Lewis one and whilst it is very good it has the disadvantage of being so heavy and not easily transportable.

    Over the past two years treadmills have improved no end so to help you decide I would go and take a look at some at your nearest sports shop then come back and find the one you have decided on as you can good deals on line. Argos have a comprehensive range also and whilst you may not be able to see them in the flesh you can always return if not suited to your needs. Look for one what has an LCD monitor for easy reading.

  5. YES!

    1. Convenience - Most people prefer not to exercise outside when it is cold, inclement, or dark. Even if you have access to an indoor track or health club, finding a regular time to run during a busy week's schedule can be difficult. Owning a treadmill solves these problems; people who own one can exercise more often. And, since most people are familiar with the basics of walking and running, treadmills are pretty easy to use.

    2.Physical benefits- Exercising on a treadmill has wide-ranging benefits. As Gregory Florez, president of Chicago's First Fitness Inc., points out, "walking or running on a treadmill...has great cardiovascular value for the heart, lungs, and circulatory system. It's a very efficient way to lose body fat, and, since it's a weight-bearing activity, it has musculoskeletal benefits as well." And because running can reduce stress, you actually feel calmer and more relaxed.

    3.Low impact workouts - Despite all its benefits, years of walking or running can take its toll on feet, legs and hips, especially if you exercise on hard surfaces like asphalt or concrete. Treadmills, particularly higher-end models with built-in shock absorption properties, can greatly reduce the stress placed on your feet, legs and joints.

    This is copied and pasted from:

  6. They are really good, i lost loads from using the school gym treadmill  

  7. Things to consider.

    Make sure the length of the base is long enough for your longest stride otherwise you will only ever be walking on it.

    If motorised make sure it has a speed of 10mph otherwise you will never be running or jogging just fast walking.

    Non motorise have rollers which are very noisy.

    You will notice that no gym has manual only motorised.

    Lastly, many people buy exercising equipment with good intentions and then never use it ans sell it on. You should get good motorised treadmills quite cheap

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