
Are Tsunamis in California possible?

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1.)Are Tsunamis in California possible?

2.)If so, then where? {Is it in only areas where it is the land's structure that affects it? Or can it happen along any coastal area or beaches?}

3.)What can I do if a Tsunami were to happen when I'm at a beach? {Do I hop into a car or run?}

4.)Are there any other important facts I should know about Tsunamis?

5.)I live in LA, can a Tsunami reach that far?

6.) (If #5 was a 'yes')How will I know that a Tsunami is comming when I'm in LA and it's heading my way?




  1. 1.  Yes, they can happen anywhere on the coast.  They are particularly likely along the coast near Oregon where there is a subduction zone.  This zone also includes Oregon, Washington and British Columbia.

    2.  If you know that there is a tsunami coming, the best thing you can do is head for the nearest tall hill.  Tsunamis are not very tall, but they are very broad.  Just going up a small hill may provide protection.  However, do NOT go to the beach.

  2. 1&2 - the relative tsunami threat for local tsunamis in California can be considered as being relatively low because of the low recurrence frequencies. Large, locally-generated tsunamis in California are estimated to occur once every 100 years.

    3 -  If you are on the beach and unable to get to high ground go inland as far as you can. A strong offshore earthquake may generate a tsunami. Therefore, if you feel the ground shake, evacuate inland or to high ground immediately and return only after officials say it is safe to do so.

    4 - If you see an unexpected rise or fall in the coastal water, a tsunami may be approaching. Do not wait - instead move inland or uphill as quickly as possible.

    Tsunamis occur at any time of the day or night, under any and all weather conditions, and in all seasons. Beaches open to the ocean, by bay entrances or tidal flats, and the shores of coastal rivers are especially vulnerable to tsunamis.

    If a large earthquake displaces the sea floor near the Washington Coast, the first waves may reach the shore minutes after the ground stops shaking. There would be no time for authorities to issue a warning.

    5 - Tsunamis threaten the coasts and beaches all over the world. About 10% of all tsunamis reach the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

    6 - Tsunami Alarm System - tsunami warnings on your mobile - tsunami prediction

    Get information about the simple and secure tsunami alarm system and subscribe to the system -

  3. 1. yes

    2. it can happen along any coast line

    3. you wouldn't be able to outrun it, but you should get to the highest possible ground.

    4. Tsunamis happen when there is an earthquake in the ocean floor and the ground shifts causing a huge wave that you can't see until it reaches the slope of a coast.

    5. yes it can reach that far

    6. when a tsunami gets ready to hit the ocean will suck out from the beach. Like the ocean is being pulled toward the horizon.

  4. Absolutely not.  Tsunami are for godless foreigners only.  We AMERICANS are beloved of GOD and no harm can come to the righteous.  If the tide starts going out and out.. just run down to the beach and wave your Bible and call upon Jesus to strike down the forces of SATAN.  This is guaranteed to work. Trust me on this.  Whatever you do, don't go to high ground.  That is for non-believers only.  You don't want to be a nonbeliever, do you?  There isn't that much high ground is Southern California so why bother going there if you are blessed of the lord?

  5. To answer your questions:

    1) Yes, tsunamis in CA are possible.

    2) Anywhere along the coast, though they are likely to be much more dangerous in No Cal than in So Cal because of the Cascadia Subduction Zone (...a large subduction zone fault off of the coast of Canada, Washington, Oregon, and No Cal).

    3) If you were to see the warnings signs of a tsunami (e.g., extremely low tide all of a sudden) then you would want to get upshore as quickly as possible. Fortunately, most of California's coast climbs in elevation quickly, so you wouldn't have to go very far to get out of harm's way. Tsunami's are extremely dangerous in places where the elevation remains low far from the beach, like in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and certain places in Thailand and India. People in these places have nowhere they can go before the tsunami is on top of them. However, bear in mind that the Pacific Ocean is well-instrumented to detect tsunamis, and So Cal is far enough away from a causative fault that it would take several hours after the earthquake for the tsunami to hit the coast. The beaches would likely be closed or evacuated with plenty of time to spare if a tsunami was detected.

    4) Important facts? Tsunamis usually are no more than 30 feet high, but they travel really, really fast (about 65 mph by the time they hit the beach). They slow down really fast, though. But as you could imagine, there is a LOT of momentum in a tsunami wave that needs to be dissipated, so they can travel inland an amazing distance if nothing is there to stop them. Finally, the thing to be worried about in a tsunami is not the wave itself, but a) the debris in the wave, and b) the water current that will suck you out to sea once the tsunami begins to recede from land.

    5) Like I said, any CA coastline is technically vulnerable, though I think that you would have plenty of notice to evacuate if a tsunami was on its way.

    6) You'll know. Trust me.

    The thing that you need to be more worried about in LA is not a tsunami, but the shaking resulting from a major earthquake on one of the many nearby faults. Structural collapse, damage to critical lifelines (i.e. gas or water lines), and the chaos/rioting resulting from earthquake aftermath will cause many more casualties in So Cal than an approaching tsunami would.

  6. tsunamies are possable any where. if a tsunimi where to happen  a beach get in the water  and get caried in the wave.

  7. Possible, just not probable.

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