
Are Twilight's sequels any good?

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I didn't like Twilight at all (too much fluff for me), but I'm really curious if her other books ever gain any substance or if they continue much like the their predecessor. I'm willing to give them a try if I can be convinced the story gets better. Haha. Thanks!




  1. Well all the romance is still kinda there but i think with the introduction of Jacob it gets much better, he creates some rivalry and mixes it all up a bit plus i think he is sooo funny i love him! have you read chapter 1 of new moon in the back of twilight e.g. "she looked up to see six suddenly ravenous vampires looking down at her"? how does that not make you want to read on????

  2. lol. I loved Twilight. You'll like Jacob, I think. He's awesome. He's in New Moon a lot. I think you should give them a try. The worst thing that can happen is that you don't like them. New Moon brings a new element into the equation. Actually more then one, but still. Eclipse is really good. But you have to read New Moon first, so I say read them. lol. Enjoy!

    I did a horrible job trying to convince you, didn't I? Sorry!

  3. Well, considering you didn't like Twilight, my guess would be that you wouldn't like the others, but they are very good. Once Jacob's character starts to develop, it brings a lot more dynamic to the story. I say try it out; if you don't like it, you don't have to keep reading.

  4. Yes continue reading them!!! The third book Eclipse is the Best!!!

  5. Mehhh... I dunno... I like Eclipse the best out of the series. Twilight is my second favorite out of the thing. New Moon isn't half bad once you get to 200 pages from the end. Breaking Dawn was... not good.

    So, it's really up to you. The writing gets no better but the story gains a bit of depth there in Eclipse. I personally found the first three worth reading.

    Good luck to you, and hope I helped.

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