
Are UFO's Real? And is it real that they came on Earth?

by Guest61206  |  earlier

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I wonder that there are real UFO's that has been photographed and eye witneses. IS IT REAL!?




  1. UFOs are real, because they are merely Unidentified Flying Objects.  Could be anything, very often fakes or natural weather things like small clouds, airplanes or refraction of ground lights.

    Extraterrestrial aliens have never visited the Earth.    

  2. Nobody can tell. It has not been proved yet. Many people tell that they have seen one but mostly it is just a mirage in the sky.

  3. you need to be specific.

    a UFO is something you DON'T know what it is.

    a Flying Saucer is an extra-terrestrial craft full of Martians here to anal-probe hillbillies with orientation issues.

    UFOs happen all the time.

    Flying Saucers exist only the tin-foil hat shielded minds of SILLY people and Hollywood, where E.T. wants change to phone home.

    Any evidence presented by the SILLY people is... well, SILLY.  Most is obviously fake, showing the SILLY people to be either frauds, incompetents or... well, did I mention SILLY, yet?

    Evidence presented as "WTF is that?" is a LOT more interesting.  A lot of time, we really don't know what it was... but to then jump from "I saw a blip on the RADAR where there wasn't supposed to be a plane" to "The airport was buzzed by aliens from Epsilon Draconi IX!"  is well, SILLY.

    Don't you think?

  4. Great answer Erica S. Very true. Made me smile though.  

  5. If by UFO you mean alien spacecraft,  nobody but nobody has produced one single shred of evidence to support their existence.  There have been many claims, but nothing tangible whatsoever.  In a Universe as large as ours,  I have no doubt that there are intelligent beings out there.  However, as a scientist, I am more familiar than most with the sheer scale if the place, and the distances involved preclude people wandering about exploring.  If we ever make some sort of contact, it will be by radio, but will not involve spinning hubcaps and very dubious photography shown on Youtube.

  6. UFO means Unidentified Flying Object. Each UFO sighting is some different thing, like an airplane, bird, balloon, star, planet, optical illusion, hoax, or whatever. No UFO sighting or photograph has ever been proved to be an alien space ship. Not even once. All the really spectacular photographs showing an object clearly enough to prove it is not a normal thing have been hoaxes for example. Fake photos and nothing more.

  7. Have aliens landed on Earth?  Do they do experiments on cows and abduct humans?  No.

    It's an interesting question because there are millions of reports.  So either we have aliens landing on Earth, or mass hallucination.  Both claims are extraordinary.  And while it turns out that it's mass hallucination, it's interesting to find out what causes it and why.

    Check out The Demon Haunted World from your local library.

  8. uh.. yeah it's real.... unidentified flying objects... we dont' know what they are.... so they're unidentified.... and they fly (there are also underwater ones called USOs) and they are quite obviously objects... of one type or another...

  9. Yes, and yes.

    And if you mean "aliens" the answer is STILL yes, and yes!

  10. See you can say UFOs are real if we see the full form it is

    UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT any object which is not registered is also called UFO so it is a myth that alien spacecrafts are only UFOs

    I want to ask something that there are many eyewitnesses of UFOs and all have seen UFOs in disk form which they show in movies.

    This is human mind's nature that makes those things in movies real

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