
Are UFOs Watching US?

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Millions of people around the world claim to have seen a UFO of some kind but NASA and astronomers continue to downgrade every effort to find life in other planets.

Do we humans know EVERYTHING about space and possible life in other galaxies?

Are we God?

Honestly, what are the chances that we could very well NOT BE the only form of life in the universe?




  1. No, the whole point of UFOs is that we're watching them.  We can hardly be unidentified.

    Carl Sagan's book, the Demon Haunted World has the scoop on UFOs.  He starts out saying, on the one hand there are millions of people who claim to have seen a UFO.  On the other hand, there's no credible evidence.  With all that evidence, none is credible?  So either we have mass hypnosis, or we are being visited by aliens at high frequency.  Both conclusions are extraordinary.  By his own rules, if you make an extraordinary claim, you must present extraordinary evidence. The book is available at your local library.

    But if you're impatient, he makes the case for mass hypnosis.

    We don't know everything.  It seems likely that there is life, even intelligent life elsewhere in our galaxy.  It's difficult to find.  We haven't looked very long or used much of our resources to do it.  I expect millions of life bearing planets, and hundreds of intelligent life bearing planets.

    Are we God?  Science teaches us the limits of our knowledge - meaning our ignorance.  You may have heard that we don't know what we don't know.  However, we have a very good idea what we don't know.

  2. Blue Ridge -

    You have asked several questions here, a few of which are I think unrelated to the others.

    1. UFOs, NASA, life on other planets - Brant is correct when he says that NASA is working hard to find evidence of life on other planets. In fact, they are the only ones doing so. Someday, we may find some evidence. That has nothing to do with rumors about UFOs actually being alien spacecraft, which are based on non-scientists attempting to scare or entertain others in order to make a profit. You should understand that the whole idea of aliens visiting us and watching us violates all our known laws of physics and makes no sense on a logical level. Why would they take thousands of years to travel to a planet that showed absolutely no sign of intelligent life when they left in order to zip around and hide like kids on a playground?

    2. Do we know everything about space and possible life in other galaxies? Certainly not. We make no claims in that regard. However, some of us know more about those things than the folks who make the scary TV documentaries (my dog, for example). As far as life in other galaxies, the nearest one of any significance is 2.3 million light years away. Travel at speeds beyond the speed of light is not possible. That's sort of basic physics, knowledge that is more than 100 years old. So anyone traveling from there to here would have had to leave several million years ago to get here now. Why would they come here to a dim, humdrum star with no sign of life that they could see? Out of all the billions of stars out there? Does that make any sense at all?

    3. Are we God? No, certainly not. We make no claims in that regard, either.

    4. What are the chances ... etc. The chances are pretty good that we are not alone. Based on probability and the organic compounds found within meteorites, I think it's highly likely that there is life out there somewhere. But the leap in logic from that statement to thinking that our skies are filled with alien spacecraft is a really big leap.

    You don't have to be a UFO conspiracy proponent to think that life on other worlds is possible. However, you should look at the information that is available and understand what is technically feasible and what is just rumor or entertainment. There is a big difference, and the only way to understand that difference is to learn more.

  3. In the middle ages people were visited by incubi, succubi, and various demonic characters who might spirit them away and/or violate their bodies in a most bestial way.  Everyone believed it; indeed, church doctrine insisted on it.  And the world was flat.

    Somewhat later, Columbus set out to find...China.  Not a "new world."  Nobody knew such a thing existed (except the Scandinavians, of course).  It had to be funded by royalty, with the expectation of financial return.  Few things were funded simply for knowledge.  And the demons still existed.

    Most people eventually stopped believing in demons and we became advanced, communicating without wires, learning how to fly and so forth.  Some nations got rich enough to fund exploration for the sake of knowledge, to the extent that money was left over from waste, war and who-knows-what that is the typical domain of governments.

    And still, we have only begun  to detect planets around even the closest stars, most of them uninhabitable and all of them unreachable for now.  Why shouldn't an alien civilization, even close to or exceeding ours in intelligence, have the same problems that I've been speaking of?  They need excess resources and a belief that there are others out there and it's worth the daunting task of reaching them, not just with robot ships but by transporting actual beings.

    So we have a belief in visitations, and that anything seen which cannot be easily explained must be alien in nature.  We've come full circle which is to be expected since we are basically the same people who existed in the middle ages.  Alien crafts and visitations arose at a certain time and the reports all resemble each other.  If one is skeptical of this the retort is often something like, "Do you think we know everything?  Are WE God?"  This is the exact same attitude the medaeval church had about incubi, succubi and assorted demons.  The "aliens" are the ones who now carry us off and violate us in a most bestial (but hi-tech) way.

  4. UFOs are very elusive that why we don't know what they are but you can be sure,we are watching them.

  5. Aliens, ETs, UFOs; Yes, wow, who, what, when, why, where, etc. Keep posing the questions. Remember, Ptolmey for centuries convinced the learned people, and the Church, that the Earth was the center of creation, i.e. God’s creation. We were Numero Uno, and there was no Numero Dos.

    I encourage any reader who believes that Earth is center stage, and the entirety of life as we know it to check out: The “Drake Equation” which well describes the probability of “human” life elsewhere in the universe. And, also check out the persecutions of Copernicus and Galileo bestowed upon them for the enlightenment they gave us. For anyone  to then continue with the belief that Earth is the one and only show in the universe requires an ego of supremacy that is beyond my imagination.

    UFO’s? Two hundred years ago only birds could fly. Now, we’ve visited the moon, landed robots on Mars and, sent crafts on journeys far beyond our solar system. What if another civilization formed somewhere in the universe, as per the Drake Equation, 200, 500, a thousand, maybe a hundred thousand years before Earth.

    Accepting C, the speed of light, as the universal speed limit poses an insurmountable problem. Perhaps another “Copernicus” will arrive and refute C. Till then keep your mind open and rein in your ego.

  6. The chance that we are not alone is infinitely great. There's too many stars out there for there not to be something else. Problem is the distances are so great that we may never stumble upon anyone else with our technology so we'll just have to wait for one of them to stumble across us.....

  7. actually nasa and astronauts have seen ufos they just "dont talk about" or say it was "space debris"

    youd like the game spore

  8. The question is not whether life exists elsewhere in the universe.  Logical thinkers (including scientists) know that statistically, life must exist elsewhere - possibly in our own solar system, but certainly in other systems.

    The question is whether intelligent aliens are buzzing Earth, tipping cows over, making crop circles, and abducting people.  Logical thinkers (including scientists) see no evidence of any kind to support the myths.

  9. Nobody on the planet has been more active than NASA in trying to find life elsewhere.  UFO fans have to believe NASA is trying to suppress evidnce of ET life, since NASA and the US government keep denying that there is any evidence of it.  But this is a pretty stupid belief since it is NASA who is sending these probes to Mars to look for signs of life.  Every time you turn around, some scientist is getting excited about finding water.  Recently there has been a big stir about finding water with organic compounds erupting from beneath the ice on Enceladus.  Everything about NASA contradicts the claim that they are suppressing evidence.

    Look at it this way.  The top people at NASA are scientists and super-engineers.  Usually with multiple degrees.  They are the best.  Academic types like this are famous for their unwillingness to compromise the truth or play political games.  

    We are probably not the only life in the Universe.  But when one understands the distances involved and the huge technological challenges that would face ANY civilization considering interstellar travel, it is difficult to regard it as a very common thing.  There is another thing to think about.  If even a small fraction of UFO reports were the result of real ET presence, then there should be gobs of other kinds of evidence which we don't see at all, like radio signals from outer space.  We haven't found any intelligent transmissions in 40 years of looking.

    I'd love to see us find real evidence of ET life during my life, but I'm not optimistic.

    Siutti, I don't remember Sagan opting for mass hypnosis. (The book is 20 feet away from me and I'm too lazy to go look it up.)  I have always thought his view was of pervasive cultural and media influences reinforcing and encouraging fantasy delusions and confabulated memories and mis-identifications.  You'd really have to put hypnosis in quotes, here.  Just calling it hypnosis implies that there is a conscious entity controlling our thoughts and in all the reading I've done of Sagan, he is usually very careful to avoid the possibility of such mis-interpretations.  He knew all about quote mining.
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