If anyone thinks theres no possible way we could be visited by little 'green men', then you have tunnel vision.!
Theres no concrete evidence to definitely prove there existence AS YET but I think we are on the verges of making the bigest discovery in mans history - 'That we are not alone in this undiscovered Universe of ours!' and whats to say they do have a vehicle that can travel long distances, light years in fact?
Come on! If you told people in the 16th Century that we would be sitting on big metal ships in the sky travelling to other Countries across the world in a couple of days, (jet planes) they would burn you at the stake for a witch. Not to mention all the other technological advances they would think were fairy tales, that we take for granted in the world we live in today.
I havent heard one argument yet that can disprove UFO`s
There could be hundreds of alien worlds out there, some intelligent some not...some far more advanced than we could ever imagine?