
Are UFO`s for real?

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If anyone thinks theres no possible way we could be visited by little 'green men', then you have tunnel vision.!

Theres no concrete evidence to definitely prove there existence AS YET but I think we are on the verges of making the bigest discovery in mans history - 'That we are not alone in this undiscovered Universe of ours!' and whats to say they do have a vehicle that can travel long distances, light years in fact?

Come on! If you told people in the 16th Century that we would be sitting on big metal ships in the sky travelling to other Countries across the world in a couple of days, (jet planes) they would burn you at the stake for a witch. Not to mention all the other technological advances they would think were fairy tales, that we take for granted in the world we live in today.

I havent heard one argument yet that can disprove UFO`s


There could be hundreds of alien worlds out there, some intelligent some not...some far more advanced than we could ever imagine?




  1. I think you have a point in saying that we don't actually know for certain what extraterrestrial civilizations might be capable of doing. However, the overwhelming majority of UFO sitings can be explained by things of terrestrial origin. Of the few that can't, who's to say what they are? I'd love a documented visit from an extraterrestrial civilization but I'm sceptical that it will happen.

    What I think will happen, perhaps within 10 years, is that telescopes will detect an extrasolar planet with tell tale signs of industrialization. We'll be 99% sure of the existence of intelligent life there but we'll still lack direct contact to confirm it.

  2. An unidentified flying object, or UFO, is any object in the air or upper atmosphere that cannot be identified. Some definitions, such as that which is used by the USAF, define a UFO as an object unable to be identified after scrutiny, while other definitions define an object as being a UFO from the time it is first reported as being unidentified, even though most subsequently become IFOs, Identified Flying Objects.

    Reports of unusual aerial phenomena date back to ancient times, but modern reports and the first official investigations began during World War II with sightings of so-called foo fighters by Allied airplane crews, and in 1946 with widespread sightings of European "ghost rockets". UFO reports became even more common after the first widely publicized United States UFO sighting, by private pilot Kenneth Arnold in mid 1947. Tens of thousands of UFO reports have since been made worldwide.

    Since it's introduction the term has become heavily associated with flying saucers and alien spacecraft, though an object may be classified as a UFO independently of opinion as to its origins. Most military and civilian UFO investigations concluded that the majority of objects can be identified either directly, or by applying Occam's Razor .

    Besides visual sightings, cases sometimes have indirect physical evidence, including many cases studied by the military and various government agencies of different countries. Indirect physical evidence would be data obtained from afar, such as radar contact and photographs. More direct physical evidence involves physical interactions with the environment at close range—Hynek's "close encounter" or Vallee's "Type-I" cases—which include "landing traces," electromagnetic interference, and physiological/biological effects.

    Radar contact and tracking, sometimes from multiple sites. These are often considered among the best cases since they usually involve trained military personnel and control tower operators, simultaneous visual sightings, and aircraft intercepts. One such recent example were the mass sightings of large, silent, low-flying black triangles in 1989 and 1990 over Belgium, tracked by multiple NATO radar and jet interceptors, and investigated by Belgium's military (included photographic evidence). Another famous case from 1986 was the JAL 1628 case over Alaska investigated by the FAA.

    Photographic evidence, including still photos, movie film, and video, including some in the infrared spectrum (rare).

    Recorded visual spectrograms — (see Spectrometer)

    Recorded gravimetric (example) and magnetic disturbances (extremely rare)

    Landing physical trace evidence, including ground impressions, burned and/or desiccated soil, burned and broken foliage, magnetic anomalies, increased radiation levels, and metallic traces. See, e.g. Height 611 UFO Incident or the 1964 Lonnie Zamora's Socorro, New Mexico encounter, considered one of the most inexplicable of the USAF Project Blue Book cases). A well-known example from December 1980 was the USAF Rendlesham Forest Incident in England. Another less than two weeks later, in January 1981, occurred in Trans-en-Provence and was investigated by GEPAN, then France's official government UFO-investigation agency. Project Blue Book head Edward J. Ruppelt described a classic 1952 CE2 case involving a patch of charred grass roots. Catalogs of several thousand such cases have been compiled, particularly by researcher Ted Phillips.

    Physiological effects on people and animals including temporary paralysis, skin burns and rashes, corneal burns, and symptoms superficially resembling radiation poisoning, such as the Cash-Landrum incident in 1980. One such case dates back to 1886, a Venezuelan incident reported in Scientific American magazine.

    So-called animal/cattle mutilation cases, that some feel are also part of the UFO phenomenon. Such cases can and have been analyzed using forensic science techniques.

    Biological effects on plants such as increased or decreased growth, germination effects on seeds, and blown-out stem nodes (usually associated with physical trace cases or crop circles)

    Electromagnetic interference (EM) effects, including stalled cars, power black-outs, radio/TV interference, magnetic compass deflections, and aircraft navigation, communication, and engine disruption. A list of over 30 such aircraft EM incidents was compiled by NASA scientist Dr. Richard F. Haines. A famous 1976 military case over Tehran, recorded in CIA and DIA classified documents, resulted in communication losses in multiple aircraft and weapons system failure in an F-4 Phantom II jet interceptor as it was about to fire a missile on one of the UFOs. This was also a radar/visual case.[11]

    Remote radiation detection, some noted in FBI and CIA documents occurring over government nuclear installations at Los Alamos National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 1950, also reported by Project Blue Book director Ed Ruppelt in his book.

    Actual hard physical evidence cases, such as 1957, Ubatuba, Brazil, magnesium fragments analyzed by the Brazilian government and in the Condon Report and by others. The 1964 Socorro/Lonnie Zamora incident also left metal traces, analyzed by NASA.

    Misc: Recorded electromagnetic emissions, such as microwaves detected in the well-known 1957 RB-47 surveillance aircraft case, which was also a visual and radar case; polarization rings observed around a UFO by a scientist, explained by Dr. James Harder as intense magnetic fields from the UFO causing the Faraday effect.

    These various reported physical evidence cases have been studied by various scientist and engineers, both privately and in official governmental studies (such as Project Blue Book, the Condon Committee, and the French GEPAN/SEPRA). A comprehensive scientific review of physical evidence cases was carried out by the 1998 Sturrock UFO panel.

  3. well, lets define our idea of aliens. if you mean these aliens:

    then no, those aliens do not exist. those aliens were created in science fiction books that started to tak off in the 50's and 60's. those aliens were created by fiction writers, and not scientists. people beieved that these aliens existed, and still do today. the simple answer is: no those types of aliens do not exsist. aliens that fly in round saucers and abduct people do not exist, and i'll explain scientifically later.

    now lets define the term "alien" is the scietific sense. an alien is an extra terrestrial organism. basically that means it is a carbon based organism that lives on another celestrial body. these aliens could be very advanced... or very simple. a bacteria cell... even though it is microscopic... that was found on mars would be considered an alien. why? because it is a carbon based organism that lives on another celestial body. even if it was just like a bacteria on earth, it would still be considered an alien, or an E.T. how about plants? well are plants carbon based? yes. are plants considered "living"? yes. thus if a plant was found on mars, or an astroid, or a natural sattelite, it would be considered an alien. even though it doesn't have an means of intelligence whatsoever, it is still a carbon based organism.

    so what are the chances that life exists only in this solar system? in theory, the chance is 1 in 750,000,000,000,000,000. i'll tell you how i came up with that figure.

    in theory, the visible universe, so all the galaxies we can see from earth, contain 750 sextillion solar systems. thats not an exact number, but its a good approximation. now, this is only charting the visible universe... there are a countless number of other galaxies we can't see because they are too far away. so do you really think that we are alone based on that figure? i don't think so.

    a while back, we left a sample of bacteria on the moon. the moon has no air period... definatly no oxygen or carbon dioxcide... and it is also extreamily cold. these bacteria were left on the moon, unatended for a couple of months. when we saw the same same bacteria through a micrscope, the results were astonishing. the bacteria colony was now only 25% of the original size, but thats still amazing. the bacteria cells live for only a couple days at a time, but this colony had been left on the moon for months, and there was still live bacteria. thus proving the bacteria had reproduced. although the colony had died for the most part, many bacteria cells did reproduce. this proved that bacteria can survive on the moon. if tons of this bacteria was placed on the moon, over time, this bacteria would adapt to their surroundings, and eventually prosper on the moon as though they were on earth. even in this extreamily hostile environment.

    for me, that proved that the universe is full of bacteria. if it could survive on the moon, then there must be bacteria littered everywhere.

    now intelligent life... thats a different story. intelligent life is very hard to come by. infact, we haven't encountered any. it is extreamily rare, because the criteria for the sustainment of intelligent life are very exact. a planet has to have the perfect atmosphere so it has a temperate climate... it has to have a temperate climate... it has to have significant sources of liquid water... it has to have rocky land... it has to be the right distance from its local star... there must be a significant source of food... and most importantly, the surroundings must allow for the evolution of the most intelligent organism.

    we are lucky here on earth. we have the perfect atmosphere (so lets not s***w it up), a temperate climate, we are the perfect distance from the sun, we have tons of water and tons of land, and earth is loaded with natural sources of food. you might be thinking, "why is natural food important? couldn't intelligent species farm like we do?" yes, in theory they could. but thats once the become intelligent organisms. until then, they have to have food. when the human hadn't evolved yet, and was still a primate, were apes farming?

    so in theory, life exists. we aren't 100% sure, but i am 99.99% sure. all we need to do is find some type of life... whether it be bacterial, plant, mamal, or intelligent on another celestial body. in my opinion, we are not alone in the universe.

  4. Of course UFOs are real.  There are objects.  That fly.  Which are not identified.  

    As to whether or not there are extra-terrestrials involved, that's a different matter.  

    Let's start with our own galaxy.  Estimates vary, so we'll play it conservative, and say there are only 5 trillion stars here.  Keep that number in mind, we'll come back to it.

    There's a timing issue.  Earth is, more or less, 4.5 billion years old.  Sentient life, as far as we can determine, is only about 60,000 years old.  Including Australopithecus, Neanderthal, etc, we've been here for 0.001% of the Earth's life.  And we've been able to make noise that would leave our world for only a fraction of that, maybe 200 years.

    You're an intelligent species somewhere else in the galaxy.  You have the ability to travel anywhere in the galaxy in a starship, and it takes no time at all to do so.  Your space exploration budget is HUGE, so you actually have one million spaceships at your disposal!  

    Obviously, you can't sit and wait to hear the first radio signals from primitive worlds.  It could take thousands of years to reach you... they could all be dead by the time you get there to say "hi."  So, you send your mighty fleet out to explore.

    Now, you need to be thorough as you search each world.  You spend one week at each star, not only looking for sentient life, but for life which could become sentient someday.  

    With one million starships at your disposal, and 5 trillion stars in the galaxy, that gives each ship 5 million stars to visit.  At one week per visit, each starship will make it back around the beginning of its route in 96,154 years (52 weeks per year).

    Ninety-six thousand, one hundred fifty-four years.  Between. Visits.

    Does this disprove alien visitation?  Of course it doesn't.  It is merely one of a dozen supportable scientific models that demonstrate how absurdly unlikely it is we will ever contact, or be contacted by, life from "out there."

    Personally, I believe we're not alone.  Like you said, there could be hundreds of planets with sentient life co-existing with us at this moment.  

    And. We/They. Will. Never. Know.

  5. I was expecting something to make me think there were ufos but     sigh

    I think the balloon thing is the creepiest idea. If alian's took the form of balloons or made probes like balloons they could just float around spying and collecting info. Have you ever seen a lost balloon floating hi in the sky and thought of some sad child who lost there balloon. Oh just think about it. The balloon could lower down and let a little kid catch it and bring it into his house and then the kid gets bored with the balloon and POP
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