
Are UK Councils surprised at the fact that people on estates 'dump there rubbish' anywhere?

by Guest57737  |  earlier

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especially when (in the same county) they run a scheme every month, sending out a 'van' to collect household 'ITEMS' for free, yet if you're disabled/on benefits &16 miles away they won't come out unless you pay between £35-£60 for three items....FLY TIPPERS everywhere I'M NOT surprised you do what you do




  1. Their new policies stink! Frankly i wonder why our council tax is so high when they expect us to pay out even more to get our rubbish dumped along with everything else.

  2. My council is pretty good but saying that I went down my local "tip" (council run) and because I had a trailer on the car I wasn't allowed to enter the tip with the car as we didn't have a permit, got them back though because as I was with my brother we were able to physically carry the stuff onto the site and dispose of it. We were allowed to do that but not bring a car + trailer onto the site, which in my opinion is absolutley stupid as we were more of a saftey risk carrying items around on foot that we would have been if we had been allowed to bring said trailer onto the site.

  3. My county (Kent) has a policy opposite to the one you describe, if you are on benefits collection is free and once a week, but if you are waged it is £16.00. I am on an estate and have never seen any flytipping at all.

    Are you happy now after having had a rant? Oh, good.

  4. My local dump site doesnt allow vans or 4x4s,doesnt allow pedestrians and one must have a permit to enter.

    Upon entering,people are expected to climb slippery steel ramps without any help from staff.Though staff watch to make sure dumped materials conform.

    It is indeed scandalous.I actually encourage people to flytip in places where the council must clean it up quickly.They created the problem ,they can deal with it.

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