
Are US High Schools just like in movies?

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I'm Italian and I'm moving to the US next year.I'm very excited about that but I have some doubts still...How's US High School life like?What do you like the most about your school???




  1. not really.. i wish. in the movies they make it look like school work is the LAST thing you do. it really just depends on where your going. school in california and florida i herd where a bit like the movies (only  a bit). i live in boston and attending west roxbury high, hyde park high, or english high..all of which are kind of bad schools in the sense where most kids are thugs drugs, s*x and alcohol. but i think all school in the US are like that. I CANT WAIT!!!

  2. Us high schools, are usually different than movies...less dramaa, a lot less drama! though ofcourse there are those schools, that tend to act a little bit more like the movies, but there not completly like that. At leasat in my school, its not like theres the popular possy that everyone knows and that they treat bad...aslong as ur chill with people. youll  have no prob =D


  3. It depends on what school you go to but let me tell you, it's not like in the movies TRUST ME! High School life is not like tv. Sure you have a little more freedom at school and a lot of extra curricular activities but that's about it. Then again, high school is what you make it :)

    I don't really like anything the most at my school...

  4. Haha, US high schools are pretty much very different from the movies. Most movies hire 20 year old+ actors to play as a highschool student. Most schools have way less drama.

    Some things that might be in the movies are cliques. Such as Jocks, Preps, Emos.. etc. etc.

  5. well, it's not like the movies!  we don't just lay around in the lawn in front of the school like the movies always depict.  high school life is fun, there are lots of different classes and activities for different interests you may have.  for example: art, sports, music, dance, academics, even social clubs.  the downside is that a lot of times schools can be clique oriented.  kids break off into groups and can be rather mean to people who are not within their groups. so don't become really close with any ONE group--try to mingle and make friends in all places!

    and in high school, academics aren't terribly hard.  there are usually a lot of resources to help you and teachers will take the time after class to explain things if you need it.

    in my school i really liked that i could get super involved with the arts.  even teachers who weren't in the art department--like my math teacher--would find ways that i could incorporate art into the rest of my learning.  i ended up painting murals on the walls in my classrooms!

    best of luck in the US!

  6. Most of the high school's in movies that take place outside are most likely in california... im from mass and my high school isnt in a good condition.... and all the girls are snobss i guess it depends on where your moving if you told mei  might be able to help  

  7. not really

    the movies always try to lure kids into thinking high school is like that.

    My Cousin told me this since he just graduated.

    IM IN THE CLASS OF 2012!!!!

  8. ok well my high school is really amazing.  it depends on what state you are in to really get an accurate descripition of what i will be like.  im in texas and my school is really nice looking, we have a courtyard we sit in at lunch and other break times.  we have cliques and drama like no other.  we have a really good football team and pretty much everyother sport is amazing as well. there are alot of clubs and activites to join depending on your interest and what you like to do.  it is really easy meeting people and talking to them.  

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