
Are US journalists, politicians, etc unpatriotic in their fear of being accused of being unpatriotic?

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Personally I was delighted to see old White House journo Marg Thomas turn to the others and ask "Where are you" after being isolated in questioning Bush policy. But would more critical questioning destroy US morale - which seems to me to hang more on pious assertion, and congregational comfort, than on real convictions? And would the sky then fall down?




  1. Most definitely! We will look back on this as a very dark period in our history, if we don't destroy ourselves with our own silence and stupidity in the near future.

  2. The patriots (and competent journalists) are the people that sometimes care enough to ask the inconvenient and unpopular questions. Washington journalists went along for the ride with the Bush administration in getting the US into an unwise war in iraq. US military morale certainly must suffer knowing that most of us believe the war was a mistake. If only there had been more critical thinking at the time and less cheerleading.

  3. I understand why Thomas questioned it but I think her goals with it were sketchy.

    the only reason reporters are there are to REPORT.

    They quote what he says, what we're doing. Get the story. Yes, ask questions, duh of course. But at least get all the other information first and don't make a fool out of yourself trying to make someone look like a liar. That's their own job.

  4. I think they are! Since WHEN is asking TOUGH Questions in a (supposedly) free Country- "unpatriotic", when it is for THAT very Freedom- that Our Soldiers are Dying for ?????! :0  For all it's "Independence" from the Government it reports about; Our Media is aLOT closer to being Washington's "lap dog", than it is the People's "watchdog..." ! And THAT's a Crime, a Disgrace, and a Scandal...   :(

  5. absolutely if the journalists from WW2 wrote the same kind of things about the president that the journalist do today then they would be put in prison and the politicians are all out to line their own pockets not to look out for the common man

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