
Are United States Citizens required to carry an ID at all times?

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Are United States Citizens required to carry an ID at all times?




  1. No

  2. No, but it's not a bad idea.  You know, in case you drop dead in the street, someone can find out who you are, etc.

  3. no, there's no law requiring that. However, I wouldn't go to far away from home without it.  

  4. No.  Unless you happen to be operating a motor vehicle on a public road at the time.

  5. Nopeeee

  6. Required? No.

    A wise thing to do? yes.

  7. they have our dna. our credentials are useless  

  8. Not yet. Let the socialist liberals take over, and it won't be far away.


  9. There is no law requiring carrying of ID .  However, if you are driving, you must be able to produce your drivers license upon demand of a peace officer at any time.  Moreover, if an officer has probable cause to believe you have done something illegal or are in the process of doing something illegal, they may ask for ID to confirm your identity.  This is important if you are getting a jaywalking ticket, or you are accused (even if unjustly of a crime).    I'm male and African American and I find that officers will, on occassion ask for ID at times that are nearly a violation of our rights.  For example, while repairing a car in my own back yard, officers with weapons drawn approached and asked to see ID and registration, literally requiring me to prove I own my own car!!  

      I suspect, if I had a "smart" attitude that I could have been incarcerated or shot, even though I had committed no violations and was at home.    I lived near a college campus at the time and there are many younger people who get drunk and act crazy.      

          If you use credit cards, you need to have an ID with picture to verify your identity at most stores.  Moreover if you buy Alcoholic beverages or cigarettes or locally, spray paint, you will often get "carded" to verify you are above 21 years of age (18 for cigarettes or spray paint).   There is no lawful requirement to carry ID however, in fact, you are likely to find your self in an unanticipated challenging situation if you don't carry ID at all times, a situation that is aggrevated if you are

         (1) Young

         (2) A tatoo wearer

         (3) look like a rapper or rock artist

         (4) Unfortunately, it still seems true if you are African American

             and probably also for Mexicans and other internationals even if US citizens

  10. it is so easy in the US to get more then one ID so which one do we have to carry.   Real or Fake?

  11. I have to in California, not sure about the rest of the country though.

  12. No.

    As for the fool who wrote the first answer, it is our current Republican President who is behind the increased requirements to show Id at the border, and to use airplanes, buses, and trains both interstate and intrastate.

    All in contradiction to the Constitution. Google the case of John Gilmore for more details.

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